炎亞綸 比寂寞更寂寞 english translation

炎亞綸 比寂寞更寂寞 song lyrics
炎亞綸 比寂寞更寂寞 translation
愛了三年 我依舊沒變
Love for three years, I still haven't changed.
還能相信 同一套謊言
And believe the same lie.
你的解釋 瀰漫著詭譎
Your explanation is filled with a treacherous

It doesn't matter.
至少我能 盡情享受你愧疚的臉
At least I can savor your guilty face.
換來一點 安慰
In exchange for a little consolation.

怎麼還能比 寂寞還更寂寞
How can I be more lonely than lonely
眼神都空了 還努力說著愛我
Eyes are empty and trying to say love Me
一個吻輕易將我 征服
A kiss will conquer me easily
假裝幸福 為你再淪落
Pretending to be happy for you

原來還能比 寂寞還更寂寞
Can be more lonely than lonely
我比誰都清楚 你所有的藉口
I know all your excuses better than anyone.
卻還犯美麗的錯 喔~
But still make a beautiful mistake!
繼續愛你怎麼淪為 比寂寞更寂寞
Continue to love you how to become more lonely than lonely

爭吵過後 我努力入睡
I tried to sleep after the quarrel
不捨得讓 這故事生變
Not willing to let the story changed
忍住呼吸 忍不住眼淚
Hold my breath, can't help tears

Keep going around the circle
不想發現 滾燙的胸口燃燒的淚
Don't want to find the burning tears in my chest
等著把我 撕裂
But also make a beautiful mistake oh

怎麼還能比 寂寞還更寂寞
How can I be more lonely than lonely
眼神都空了 還努力說著愛我
Eyes are empty and trying to say love Me
一個吻輕易將我 征服
A kiss will conquer me easily
假裝幸福 為你再淪落
Pretending to be happy for you

原來還能比 寂寞還更寂寞
Can be more lonely than lonely
我比誰都清楚 你所有的藉口
I know all your excuses better than anyone.
卻還犯美麗的錯 喔~~
But also make a beautiful mistake oh
繼續愛你 怎麼淪為 比寂寞更寂寞
Continue to love you how to become more lonely than lonely

怎麼還能比 寂寞還更寂寞
How can I be more lonely than lonely
眼神都空了 還努力說著愛我
Eyes are empty and trying to say love Me
一個吻輕易將我 征服
A kiss will conquer me easily
假裝幸福 為你再淪落
Pretending to be happy for you

什麼愛能比 寂寞還更寂寞
What love can be more lonely than loneliness
配合你的演出 何時才能落幕
With your show, when will the curtain end?
是否你也想解脫 喔~~
If you want to be free OH
勉強愛我 只會讓我 比寂寞更寂寞
Just love me will make me more lonely than lonely