Ahmed Gamal Akher Maad english translation

Ahmed Gamal Akher Maad song lyrics
Ahmed Gamal Akher Maad translation
ساعات البعد بينسي وساعات يتعب
Sometimes the distance makes you forget; sometimes it makes you weary
ياريت لو صدفه نتقابل متسألنيش
I wish we'd meet coincidentally; don't ask me
في بعدك عني عامل أيه
how I am doing in your absence
عشان مع أني بتعذب أكيد هكدب
Because, although I am tortured, surely I will lie

واقولك عادي كله تمام أديني بعيش
And tell you, I'm normal, everything's alright, here I am, living on
ودا عكس احساسي اللي حاسس بيه
And this is the opposite of what I'm feeling
انا آخر معاد بينا دا آخر يوم انا عشته
I have lived in the last rendezvous between us

ومن يومها الحياة واقفة
And since then life has stopped

وآخر مرة فيها ضحكت كانت وياك
And the last time I laughed was with you
وبضحك بعدها صدفة
And afterwards I laugh occasionally
انا آخر معاد بينا دا آخر يوم انا عشته
I have lived in the last rendezvous between us
ومن يومها الحياة واقفة
And since then life has stopped
وآخر مرة فيها ضحكت كانت وياك
And the last time I laughed was with you
وبضحك بعدها صدفة
And afterwards I laugh occasionally
أنا مبقتش مستني في يوم نرجع
I am no longer waiting for us to return one day
لكن بسأل عشان انساك طب اعمل ايه
But I'm asking: What should I do to forget you?
اللى ينسى حب قديم بينسى ازاي
He who forgets his old love, how does he forget?
مفيش نسيان عشان في حاجات كتير تمنع
There's no forgetting as there are many things that prevent that
ووقت الجد انا بضعف وتعرف ليه
And in the serious situations I get weak, you know why
عشان صدقني أنا بطبيعتي مش نساي
Because, believe me, I'm not someone inclined to forget
انا آخر معاد بينا دا آخر يوم انا عشته
I have lived in the last rendezvous between us
ومن يومها الحياة واقفة
And since then life has stopped
وآخر مرة فيها ضحكت كانت وياك
And the last time I laughed was with you
وبضحك بعدها صدفة
And afterwards I laugh occasionally