Aimer Cold Sun english translation

Aimer Cold Sun song lyrics
Aimer Cold Sun translation
What are you protecting forby using those heaps of words?
強くなれるだけでいい 答えはもういらない
All you need is to grow stronger. No need any answer anymore
If you feel that your whole heart is useless
それだけのものだとしたら 悲しいね
And simply there only to bear wounds. It's so sorrowful
Still, we're gazing up to the sky

行き場をなくした月の影 勢いを増した向かい風
Shadow of moon lost its destination. Headwind blew in vigorously speed
Somewhere out there,There was someone obtaining something
音を立て すぐに消えた
That only made a sound. then vanished at once

そう 世界の片隅で 祈りとか誓いすら意味をなさない
Yeah, in the nook of world. even promises or prays are meaningless
居場所すら忘れ 歩き続けてく
Forget your whereabouts,just keep walking

Who are you protecting forby wielding that sword?
強くなれるだけでいい 答えはもういらない
All you need is to grow stronger. No need any answer anymore
If you feel that your whole heart is useless
それだけのものだとしても かまわない
And simply there only to bear wounds. I don't mind at all
Still, we're gazing up to the sky

うつむいたままの景色まで 目に映るものは痛みだけ
I look downward until the next scene. All visible things are only pains
知らない誰かに望んだ全ては 今はもう風に消えた
There was someone out there,Everything he wished for. Now, already vanished into the wind

そう 世界はまわるだけ 残された期待なら意味をなさない
Yeah, this world only keep revolving. Those abandoned hopes are meaningless
求めたものは捨て 歩き続けてく
Throw away all your desires,Just keep walking

What are you protecting forby using those heaps of words?
弱さと向き合うなら 涙はもういらない
You don't need tears anymore to face against weakness
Only "Good-bye" "Farewell"keep repeating over and over
それだけの日々だとしたら 悲しいね
And you accept those kind of days. It's so sorrowful
Still, we're gazing up to the sky

Even now, we're still searching for the star

Travelers who seek for a daybreak
真夜中輝く 青い太陽
Are a blue sun shining on midnight
傷ついたこと 傷つけたこと
Got hurt, and hurts
すべて体温(ねつ)にかえるまで ずっと歩いてく
I'd keep walking forever until all those things changed into my heat

What are you protecting forby using those heaps of words?
強くなれるだけでいい 答えはもういらない
All you need is to grow stronger. No need any answer anymore
Who are you protecting forby wielding that sword?
弱さと向き合うなら 涙はもういらない
You don't need tears anymore to face against weakness
心は 心は 傷を負うだけで
Even if your heart, your whole heart is useless
それだけのものだとしても かまわない
And simply there only to bear wounds. I don't mind at all
Still, we're gazing up to the sky