Aimer DAWN english translation

Aimer DAWN song lyrics
Aimer DAWN translation
果てしなく広がる この空に 奇跡なんてなくてもかまわない
In this boundless and vast sky, I don't mind if I never find any miracles
流した涙なら 隠さない もう何があっても
I'd cry, no more hideoverflown tears, No matter what happens

例えば そう 空を横切る白い鳥のように翼があって
If only I have a pair of wings like that white bird that traverses across the sky
自由に今 空を飛べたなら 逃げるように ただ彷徨っていた
Right now, I'd freely fly through the sky As if escaping from any matters and just wandering around

地上(ここ)でしか見えないものがあって 地上(ここ)でふたり出会えた
There's something that could only be seen here on top of earth, Right here, we alsohave encountered each other
行く宛のない旅路としても もう二度と迷わない 願いは 一つだと誓う
Even if this path of journeyhas no destination I'd go without hesitation I'd vow to you that I have solely one wish

果てしなく広がる この空に 奇跡なんてなくてもかまわない
In this boundless and vast sky, I don't mind if I never find any miracles
流した涙なら 隠さない もう何があっても
I'd cry, no more hideoverflown tears, No matter what happens

振り返れば 寄せては返す 白い波が ほら
Try to look back, you could see the ebb and flow ofthose white ocean waves
選んできた足跡だけ消してくれるから 正しさとか もう答えはなくて
Because it only keep erasing the foot prints we've chosen There's no answer anymore to decide which one is right

漕ぎだした船は帆をはって 凍える風 吹かれた
Boat we've rowed has sailed on voyageand frozen wind also blown against us
遠ざかってく渚の隅で 思い出と悲しみが手を振り さよならを謳う
From the faded nook of the shore, both of sorrows and memories are waving their hands and singing a farewell song

果てしなく広がるこの海に 行き場なんてなくてもかまわない
In this boundless and vast ocean I don't care if I have nowhere to go
嵐の夜ですら 怖くない もう何も怯えることもない
Not even stormy nights can scare me away I have nothing to be frightened of anymore
勇敢な想いがつまずいた夜も そばにいるよ
Nights when your brave heart was stumbling, I'd be right be your side
何があっても そばにいるよ
No matter what happens, I'd be right be your side

消えてゆく月と 星のない夜空
Moon has vanishing on starless night sky, It's so dark but above all
何より暗いのは そう 夜明け前
The darkest hour is just before the dawn when we'd reach the sunrise
朝日まで もう少し
for a bit more

明けてゆく 静かなあの空に 奇跡なんてなくてもかまわない
Nights when your brave heart was stumbling, I'd be right be your side
つないだこの手なら離さない もう何も怯えることもない
I won't let go of our entwined hands, I have nothing to be frightened of anymore
眠れない想いを抱きしめた夜に 朝は来るよ
On nights when we held tight this sleepless feelings Dawn would break soon
手を伸ばせば 朝は来るよ
If you reach out your hands, Dawn would break soon