Aimer Hz english translation

Aimer Hz song lyrics
Aimer Hz translation
曖昧なヘルツに合わせたならNo Good
If you're matching up to an indefinite *, that's no good
So adjust your dial like inputting a password

Those unseen wavelengths will carry your voice - its sound
Going on to rewrite those nameless times

Forming a bridge between our skies - connecting our feelings
Is a bouncing jingle that has us shining bright

さぁ Radio 響けクールな音で 憂鬱なノイズすらイレース
C'mon, radio! Blasting those cool sounds, erase even that melancholic noise
Even the frustration from difficult times will float off like a bubble
So great day 軽快な鼻歌で 単色な日々をメイクアップ
So great day: humming a casual tune, apply some make up to those monochrome days
ハイになるサウンド 明日へのエネルギー yes!
That sound, reduced to ashes, will be an energy unto tomorrow - yes!

Use the breadth of these vibes to communicate the amplitude
But if you keep going so far away, the frequency won't reach

Those comforting words that shake our eardrums
Begin to run throughout your bodies

Pops Rock Fusion Jazz R&BにCountry
Pops, Rock, Fusion, Jazz, R&B, and Country;
The moment their sounds start flowing, our hearts begin to dance

Oh DJ! バッチリなナイスなチョイスで 誰かの孤独すらイレース
Oh, DJ! With your perfectly nice selection, erase someone's loneliness
All that stress they've saved up will turn to smoke and trail away
So great day キャッチーなイントロで 単調な日々をグレードアップ
So great day: with a catchy intro, raise the grade of those monochrome days
どんな背景も彩ってくれるんだ yes!
It'll go on to color any scenery it touches - yes!

さぁ Radio 響けクールな音で 邪魔するノイズはオールイレース
C'mon, radio! Blasting those cool sounds, erase every noise that gets in the way
Squeeze the sound right out of any complaint put to words!
そんくらいで feel so good!自分だけの チューニング見つけてワンアップ
Just like that, it fees so good! Finding our own tuning, we'll get a 1UP
拳をギュッと固く握って yes!!
So clench that fist tightly, so firmly - yes!!