Aimer Shichigatsunotubasa english translation

Aimer Shichigatsunotubasa song lyrics
Aimer Shichigatsunotubasa translation
星屑の中 羽ばたいた あの白い鳥の様に
Like a white bird that flaps its wings in the midst of stardust
何もかもを投げ出して 飛べたなら 変わるのかな?
Would I change, if I throw away everything, and just fly away?

どこにも行けずに まだここにいる
Yet, I'm still here and there's no where I could go

ただ 会いたい
I just want to see you
浮かぶ言葉はいつも弱くて 変わらず胸を焦がすよ
These fragile, never changing words always come to my mind
ねえ もし願いが叶うなら 夜空も越えて会いに行くよ
Hey, if my wish ever come true, I'd go across the night sky to meet you

暗闇の中 輝いて 咲き誇る花の様に
Like a blossoming flower in the darkness
何もかもが愛しくて いつまでも探している
I'm searching for love for an eternity

どこかで会えたら また微笑んで
If only we could meet somewhere, I'd smile again

ただ 会いたい
I just want to see you
君の笑顔は今も 遠くで変わらず夜を照らすよ
Your smile is far away, never changing, and illuminating the night
ねえ もし願いが叶うなら 迷わず君に会いに行くよ
If my wish ever come true, I'd go see you without hesistation

思い出の公園や 懐かしい教室も
In the garden of memories and nostalgic classroom
Will they be the same as that time?
寂しげな街灯と 最後に見た駅のホーム
The lonely street lights near the station I saw last time
I reach out my hand to those overflowing scenery

I want to meet...
浮かぶ言葉はいつも弱くて 変わらず胸を焦がすよ
These fragile, never changing words always come to my mind
I want to meet...
君の笑顔は今も 遠くで変わらず夜を照らすよ
Your smile is far away, never changing, and illuminating the night
ねえ もし翼があるのなら 迷わず君に会いに
If only I have a pair of wings, without hesitation, I'd go to meet you

Without hesitation, I'd fly across the night sky to see you