Aimer 冬のダイヤモンド english translation

Aimer 冬のダイヤモンド song lyrics
Aimer 冬のダイヤモンド translation
どこにいるの? 「ここにいるよ」
Where are you?"I'm here."
そこにいるの? 「そばにいるよ」
Are you there?"I'm by your side."
ここにいるの? 「いつもいるよ」
Are you here?"I'm always here."
どこにいるの? わからないよ
Where are you?I don't know anymore.

互いの場所 確かめ合う そっと輝く 冬の星座
We are the winter constellations that slowly shine after ascertained each others places
暗い空にしがみついて 強い風に流されないようにと
In the dark sky, we were clingingto each others so wouldn't be driven away by the strong wind

神様 あなたはそこで 何を思って 何を見つめるの
God, you're right there What are you looking?What are you thinking?
教えて こんな私の願いを聞いても笑うだけでしょ? そうでしょ?
Please tell me,even if you'd listen to my prayersBut you'd only laugh, right? Am I right?

悲しくて涙がなくなるほど 苦しくて痛みがなくなるほど
I'm so sad,till my tears dried I'm so suffering,till I can feel no more pain
虚しくて心がなくなる こんな夜には何をすればいい?
I'm so empty,my heart is now here In such nights,what must I do?

もし誰か手を差しのべてたなら うれしくて笑えてたのかな?
Would I be able to laugh happily,If someone has reached out their hands to me?
永遠に交わらない星座を 誰かが呼んだ 冬のダイヤモンド
Someone called, a constellation that eternally never meet each others "The Diamond of Winter"

手をつないで 「手を伸ばして」
Let me hold your hands "Reach out your hands."
顔を見せて 「顔をあげて」
Show me your face "Hold up your face."
声を聞かせて 「声を出して」
Let me hear your voice "Let your voice out ."
I don't know anymore how to talk with you

互いの意味 確かめ合う そっと輝く 冬の星座
We are the winter constellations that slowly shine after ascertained each others meanings
遠い過去にしがみついて もう誰にも忘れられないようにと
We were clinging to faraway past so wouldn't be forgotten by anybody

神様 あなたはそこで何を施し 何を望んでるの?
God, you're right there What are you offering? What are you wishing for?
教えて こんな私を生んだことなど忘れたんでしょ? そうでしょ?
Please tell me, you've forgotten that you've given this poor me,something called life, right?Am I right?

哀しくて言葉がなくなるほど 寂しくて眠れなくなるほど
I'm so sad till I have no more wordsI'm so lonelytill I couldn't sleep anymore
眩しくて光がなくなる こんな夜にはどこにいればいい?
Dazzling and should I put anywhere on such a night light is eliminated?

もし誰か気付いてくれてたなら 愛しくて眠れてたのかな?
Would I be able to sleep so dearly If someone has recognized me?
永遠に交わらない星座を 誰かが呼んだ 冬のダイヤモンド
Someone called, a constellation that eternally never meet each others "The Diamond of Winter"

悲しくて涙がなくなるほど 苦しくて痛みがなくなるほど
I'm so sad,till my tears dried I'm so suffering,till I can feel no more pain
虚しくて心がなくなる こんな夜には何をすればいい?
I'm so empty,my heart is now here In such nights,what must I do?

もし誰か手を差しのべてたなら うれしくて笑えてたのかな?
Would I be able to laugh happily,If someone has reached out their hands to me?
永遠に交わらない星座を 誰かが呼んだ 冬のダイヤモンド
Someone called, a constellation that eternally never meet each others "The Diamond of Winter"