Aimer 星屑ビーナス english translation

Aimer 星屑ビーナス song lyrics
Aimer 星屑ビーナス translation
笑っていたのは "強がり"からじゃなく
I laughed, not because I was 'strong'
泣き顔なんか もう見たくないでしょ?
You don't want to see my crying face any longer, do you?
星屑みたいな ひと粒の出会い
Like stardust, a single grain of meeting
That last word is nowhere to be found

そうだよ 私は平気だよ 強いから
That's right, I'm okay because I'm strong
顔あげて 「ゴメンネ」って もう言わないで ツライから
I won't raise my face and say "Sorry" anymore, because it's painful

It's so precious こんなはずじゃなかったけど
It's so precious although it wasn't expected
Now I miss it 一人でも歩いてく
Now I miss it I'll walk on, even though I'm alone

笑っていたのは "強がり"からじゃなく
I laughed, not because I was 'strong'
泣き顔なんか もう見たくないでしょ?
You don't want to see my crying face any longer, do you?
星屑みたいな ひと粒の出会い
Like stardust, a single grain of meeting
It's all right
The next light is right there

そうだよ 悲しい顔をするくらいなら
That's right if I'm going to make a sad face
顔あげて いつもよりも微笑んでいたいから
I'll raise it because I want to smile even more than usual

You're so precious 君との時間の全て
You're so precious all of the time I spent with you
Now I miss you 抱きしめて歩いてく
Now I miss you I'll embrace you, and walk

笑っていたのは "強がり"からじゃなく
I laughed, not because I was 'strong'
泣き顔なんか もう見たくないでしょ?
You don't want to see my crying face any longer, do you?
Remember me at my most beautiful
Is it goodbye already?
That last word is nowhere to be found
今さら 涙が止まんないよ…
Even now, the tears aren't stopping
望んでいたのは 大げさなことじゃなく
What I wished for wasn't anything grand
ここにいてもいいよ って言葉だけ
Just the words, "It's all right if you stay"
星屑みたいな 私を覚えてて
Like stardust, remember me
It's all right
Our next meeting is right there