Alejandro Fernandez Volveras english translation

Alejandro Fernandez Volveras song lyrics
Alejandro Fernandez Volveras translation
No pensé que fueras a dejarme
I didn't think that you would leave me
Dices que te has vuelto a enamorar
You say that you have fallen in love
Que no sientes ya el amor de antes
That you don't feel now the love of before
Quieres que te de tu libertad
You want me to give you your liberty

No te detendré por un instante
I will not stop you for an instant
No le temo a la soledad
I am not afraid of loneliness
Pero sé, que al fin te vas a arrepentir
But I know, that at last you are going to repent
Y tendrás que regresar
And you will have to come back.

En tu alma siempre serás mía
In your soul there will always be mine
Aunque te enamores otra vez
Even though you would love again
No podrás borrar esos recuerdos
You will not be able to erase those memories
De mis caricias en tu piel
Of my caresses in your skin

Te recordarás en cada beso
In every kiss you will be reminded
Nadie como yo te puede amar
No one can love you as I do
Sé, te cansarás de las mentiras y tú volverás
I know, you will tire of lies and you will return.

No voy a tratar de retenerte
I am not going to try to keep you
El amor no se exige, se da
Love is not demanded, it is given
Y si tu amor no es el de para siempre
And if your love is not the kind that lasts forever
Entonces quiero saberlo ya
Well then I want to know it now

No te vale nada mi cariño
My love is not worth anything to you
Solo te sirvió para jugar
It was only of use to you to play with
Pero sé que al fin te vas a arrepentir
But I know, that at last you are going to repent
Y tendrás que regresar
And you will have to come back.

En tu alma siempre serás mía
In your soul there will always be mine
Aunque te enamores otra vez
Even though you would love again
No podrás borrar esos recuerdos
You will not be able to erase those memories
De mis caricias en tu piel
Of my caresses in your skin

Te recordarás en cada beso
In every kiss you will be reminded
Nadie como yo te puede amar
No one can love you as I do
Sé, te cansarás de las mentiras
I know, you will tire of lies and you will return.
Y tú volverás
I know, you will tire of lies and you will return.