amazarashi Inochini Fusawashii english translation

amazarashi Inochini Fusawashii song lyrics
amazarashi Inochini Fusawashii translation
好きな人ができた 確かに触れ合った
I'd fallen in love with someone. We really felt a connection
アスファルトより土 鋼鉄より人肌
Soil replaces the asphalt streets. Skin where once only steel would be.
無意識に選ぶのが 冷たさより温みなら
And if following my instincts will teplace the cold around me with heat
その汚れた顔こそ 命にふさわしい
Then even her face covered in grime ks more suitable for life
身の程知らずと ののしった奴らの
Their fellows who had hesitated to extraordinarily
身の程知らなさを 散々歌うのだ
We sing a lot of things unknown
前に進む為に 理由が必要なら
If you need reasons to go ahead
怒りでなんであれ 命にふさわしい
Anything in anger is fit for life
こぼれた涙を蒸発させるために 陽が照る朝を
Morning sun shines to evaporate spilled tears
飽きもせず こりもせず
I do not get tired of it
待っている 待っている
I'm waiting waiting
From the day when I waste all
I was drawn as a tripe
The morning when all is rewarded
世界を滅ぼすに値する その温もりは
That warmth worth destroying the world is
二人になれなかった 孤独と孤独では
With loneliness and loneliness who could not be two people
What was going on?
That habit of hurting and laughing
You must have never saddened so much
心さえ 心さえ 心さえ なかったなら
If it was not even a heart even a heart
心さえ 心さえ 心さえ なかったなら
If it was not even a heart even a heart
友達ができた 理想を分かち合った
I shared my ideals with friends
向かうべき場所に 歩幅すら共にした
I even took strides to where I should head
裏切られたっていいと 道端ひれ伏すような
I betrayed you like a roadside bow down
酩酊の夜明けこそ 命にふさわしい
Dawn of drunkenness is justifiable to life
Make something of lost something
Although I am only looking for it
そうじゃなく 喪失も正解と言えるような
Not to say that the loss is correct as well
I expect the reversal play
And it's never impossible
途絶えた足跡も 旅路と呼べ
You can call the trail of footsteps as a journey
世界を欺くに値する 僕らのこれまでは
We are worthy of deceiving the world So far
一人になれなかった 寂しがりや共が集って
Loneliness and mutual gathering that could not be alone
What was going on?
Hurt and face it for granted
You must have never sorrow like that
心さえ 心さえ 心さえ なかったなら
If it was not even a heart even a heart
心さえ 心さえ 心さえ なかったなら
If it was not even a heart even a heart
愛した物を守りたい故に 壊してしまった数々
Numbers that have been destroyed because they want to protect the things I loved
あっけなく打ち砕かれた 願いの数々
Numerous wishes that were shattered
It's like barefoot across that piece
Slide down the next step
そこで死んでもいいと 思える一歩こそ
One step you can think dead there
However, it is just that
Be fit for life
心を失くすに値した その喪失は
That loss deserves to lose heart
喜びと悲しみは 引き換えじゃなかったはずだ
Joy and sadness should not have been exchanged
What was going on?
The answer is my present
You can throw it away easily
心さえ 心さえ 心さえ なかったなら
If it was not even a heart even a heart
心さえ 心さえ 心さえ なかったなら
If it was not even a heart even a heart
Light and shadow