Anahi Me hipnotizas english translation

Anahi Me hipnotizas song lyrics
Anahi Me hipnotizas translation
Ayer decidi, que ya no jugaras mas conmigo
I decided yesterday, you won't play more with me
que no sere una tonta contigo
I won't be a fool with you
que han sido demasiadas lagrimas por ti.
Which have been too many tears for you.
Y decidi que no me encerrare otro domingo
and I decided I won't stay at home another sunday
mientras tu bien padre con tus amigos
While you well father with your friends
y yo junto al telefono esperando por ti.
And I by the phone waiting for you.

Te dire infeliz pues
I tell you unhappy because
quien te dara mis caricias
Who will give you my caresses
quien procurara tus sonrisas
Who seeks your smiles
ni como yo quien como yo con tanto amor.
Nor as I who I as with so much love.

Y vivo hasta aqui cara a cara
And I live here face to face
como amo tu cara, frente a frente
How I love your face, face to face
y mirando tus ojos, tus intensos ojos
And looking at your eyes, your intense eyes
tus divinos ojos, tus hermosos ojos
Your divine eyes, your beautiful eyes
que hacen suspirar y ese rayo mortal
That make you sigh and that deadly ray
que tienes se acerca, me toca, me atrapa, me eleva.
That you have come, touches me, catches me, elevates me.

Me hipnotizas, y caigo ante ti de rodillas
You hypnotize me, and I fall before you on my knees
hay algo en tus ojos que amo
there is something in your eyer that I love
amo tus ojos cuando me miran
I love your eyes when they look at me
Me hipnotizas y pido perdon arrepentida
You hypnotize me and ask forgiveness
hay algo en tus ojos que amo, amo te amo
there is something in your eyes that I love, love, I love you
amo, te amo mi amor.
love, I love you my honey

Otra vez aqui, ya se que tu a mi no me convienes
Here again, I know you do not agree with me.
no entiendo como es que me convences
I do not understand how you convince me
yo de nadie me dejo, y tu te burlas de mi.
I do not leave anyone, and you make fun of me.

Te dire infeliz pues
I tell you unhappy because
sin mi no tendras alegria
without me you'll get happiness
como yo quien te dara su vida
Like me who will give you his life
ni como yo quien como yo, con tanto amor.
Nor as I who I as with so much love.

Y vivo hasta aqui cara a cara
And I live here face to face
como amo tu cara, frente a frente
How I love your face, face to face
y mirando tus ojos, tus intensos ojos
And looking at your eyes, your intense eyes
tus divinos ojos, tus hermosos ojos
Your divine eyes, your beautiful eyes
que hacen suspirar y ese rayo mortal
That make you sigh and that deadly ray
que tienes se acerca, me toca, me atrapa, me eleva.
That you have come, touches me, catches me, elevates me.

Me hipnotizas, y caigo ante ti de rodillas
You hypnotize me, and I fall before you on my knees
hay algo en tus ojos que amo
there is something in your eyer that I love
amo tus ojos cuando me miran.
I love your eyes when they look at me
Me hipnotizas y pido perdon arrepentida
You hypnotize me and ask forgiveness
hay algo en tus ojos que amo, amo, te amo
there is something in your eyes that I love, love, I love you
amo, te amo mi amor.
love, I love you my honey
Me hipnotizas
You hypnotize me
Me hipnotizas y pido perdon arrepentida
You hypnotize me and ask forgiveness
hay algo en tus ojos que amo, amo, te amo
there is something in your eyes that I love, love, I love you
amo, te amo mi amor.
love, I love you my honey