Anahi Super Enamorándome english translation

Anahi Super Enamorándome song lyrics
Anahi Super Enamorándome translation
Gira esta ciudad y gira, y en mi cabeza tu universo
This city turns and turns, and in my head your universe
te esperaba me esperabas, mi vida como te va
I was waiting for you, you were waiting for me, my life, how are you?
cuatro noches que no duermo,
Four nights I do not sleep
y de fantasma tu sonrisa
And your ghost of a smile
mi pequeño caprichoso, mirame asi nada mas
My capricious one, look at me like there's nothing else
insuperable lo que siento, bebiendome estos dias
I feel unbeatable, drinking these days

Y yo sigo aquí
And I'm still here
super enamorandome, colgada en tu mirada
Completely falling in love, hooked on your gaze...
deshojando las horas del dia
Counting down the hours of the day
estampillada en tu alma
Stamped on your soul
superenamorandome, me columpio en tus palabras
Completely falling in love, I'm swaying in your words
las que siempre te resultan y
The ones that always work for you and
hacen que me vaya a mil tras de ti
Make me go at full speed after you
Super enamorandome
Completely falling in love

Me subes como la espuma me atas a tus cosas lindas
You raise me like vapor; you tie me to your pretty things
mi cajita de sorpresas, de donde chispas vendras?
My little box of surprises, where will you come from, my spark?
Si decirte que te quiero, es una frase gastada
If I tell you that I love you, it's a worn out phrase
Me apetece convencerte, mi dulce necesidad
I want to convince you, my sweet necessity
Insuperable lo que siento, bebiendome estos dias
I feel unbeatable, drinking these days

Y yo sigo aqui
And I'm still here
super enamorandome, colgada en tu mirada...
Completely falling in love, hooked on your gaze...

Sigo para tu dimension,
I follow for your dimension
me llevas a un mundo irreal pones de cabezas mi todo
You take me to an fantastical world; you turn my everything upside-down
en contravia con mi razon,
In contradiction with my reason
mi motivación principal
My main motivation
mi pequeño duende, mi loco
My little sprite, my crazy one

Super enamorandome, colgada en tu mirada...
Completely falling in love, hooked on your gaze...

Super enamorandome, colgada en tu mirada...
Completely falling in love, hooked on your gaze...

Super enamorandome, colgada en tu mirada...
Completely falling in love, hooked on your gaze...