Flower 熱帯魚の涙 english translation

Flower 熱帯魚の涙 song lyrics
Flower 熱帯魚の涙 translation
夏が来るわ 夏が…
Summer is coming Summer….

To the window,resting my chin to my hand
吹いた微風は 少し暑くて
The breeze which blew, a little hot
汗ばんでる 私の肌を
My skin which is sweating
I patted it lightly (with my palm) and it was sticky
どうしてでしょうか? 思い出すわ
Why is this happening? I remember..
When it is summer it's about you

私 あなたの腕の中の
Into your arms I was
愛を知らない 熱帯魚だった
like a tropical fish that doesn't know what love is
どんなに 激しく泳いだって
Even if I swam intensely
そこにあるのは 涙の海でした
It was always the sea of tears that it was there
夏が(来るわ) 夏が…
Summer is coming Summer….

水槽の中漂う 魚たちは とても綺麗ね
The fish, that are floating in the aquarium are very beautiful
羽根広げた 孔雀みたいに
Like the peacock when it opens its feathers
It shines in a diffused reflection
Why is this (happening)? And yet..
It is very sad

私 なんにも知らなかった
I knew nothing
愛してほしい そう願いながら
I want to be loved, that's what i'm wishing for
何処へ 行けば自由になれるの?
Wherever I go, I choose to go freely
そんな想いで 泳ぎ続けていた
I continued swimming with this thought

忘れたい 忘れられない
I want to forget, I cannot forget
In a screen like the blue sky
あなたが映るのよ 初めて恋をして
You are moving me who was in love for the first time
and I only cried

夏が 来るわ
Summer is coming
I don't want to come back anymore but…
思い出すの 熱帯魚の涙を
Remember the tears of the tropical fish

私 あなたの腕の中の
Into your arms I was
愛を知らない 熱帯魚だった
like a tropical fish that doesn't know what love is
どんなに 激しく泳いだって
Even if I swam intensely
そこにあるのは 涙の海でした
It was always the sea of tears that it was there
私 なんにも知らなかった
I knew nothing
愛してほしい そう願いながら
I want to be loved, that's what i'm wishing for
何処へ 行けば自由になれるの?
Wherever I go, I choose to go freely
そんな想いで 泳ぎ続けていた
I continued swimming with this thought
夏が来るわ 夏が…
Summer is coming Summer….