Joseph Attieh Mawhoum english translation

Joseph Attieh Mawhoum song lyrics
Joseph Attieh Mawhoum translation
دوّر بقلوب الناس
search in the hearts of people
عَ قلب ما خانو الهوى
for a heart that have never been betrayed
عَ قلب ما بعمرو انكوى
for a heart that have never been broken
بتلاقي الماضي اللّي انطوى
you will find out the past that went
مين قلّك رح نرجع سوا
Who tell we will get back together
مين قلّك رح نرجع سوا
Who tell we will get back together
You are delusional
عاش الجرح بالرّوح
your scar live in my soul
وعاش القلب مجروح
And my heart live wounded
ووعود تمحي وعود
and promises clear promises
وإنت ما كنت تعود
and you never come back
قلبي صرخ ملّيت
My heart cried that's enough
مشيت بدرب مجهول
i walked into a unknown place
قلت الجرح مقبول
I said that my pain is acceptable
راجع بقلبي تعيش
you returned to live in my heart
مات القلب لتعيش
the heart have died for you to live
شو عملت ما حسّيت
You didn't feel what you've done
ما تقلّي ضاعوا النّاس
Don't say that the people have lost
اللّي ضاع ضاع من الأسى
that What has been lost has been lost due to sorrow
اللّي كان بالماضي انتسى
which has been forgotten in the past
دمعة ما تجرّب تلمسا
Don't try to touch a teardrop
لا نهار باقي ولا مسا
the day never last forever or the night
لا نهار باقي ولا مسا
the day never last forever or the night
ولا غيوم
nor clouds ( never last )