José Luis Perales Isabel english translation

José Luis Perales Isabel song lyrics
José Luis Perales Isabel translation
El me ha contado
He has told me
que vive tan solo por verte a ti
He lives only to see you
tú me has contado
You have told me
que él es tu único amor
That he is your only love
el me ha contado orgulloso
He has proudly told me
que siempre te ha sido fiel
That he has always been loyal to you
tu te has sentido dichosa
You have felt happy
hablando de él.
Talking about him

El ha sentido en su cuerpo tu calor
He has felt in his body your warmth
tú le has mirado a los ojos
You have looked into his eyes
pidiéndole amor
Asking him for love
el ha llenado de flores tu jarrón
He has filled your vase with flowers
tú le has besado las manos
You have kissed his hands
con tanto amor.
With so much love

Isabel, estoy pensando en ti
Isabel I'm thinking about you
me cansé de ser testigo fiel
I'm tired of being your loyal witness
yo también me enamoré de ti.
I too fell in love with you
Isabel, quiero decirte adiós
Isabel I want to bid you goodbye.
hoy he soñado tu cuerpo
Today I have dreamed of your body
llenando mi soledad
Filling my solitude
he repetido tu nombre
I have repeated your name
como una canción
Like a song
hoy se ha llenado mi casa
Today my house is full
con tu voz
With your voice
hoy he soñado que tengo tu amor.
Today I have dreamt of having your love
Isabel, por qué le fuiste fiel
Isabel why were you loyal to him
si no estás
If you are not there
voy a morir de amor.
I will die from love

Isabel, me enamoré de ti.
Isabel, I feel in love with you
Isabel, debo decirte adiós.
Isabel, I must say goodbye
Isabel, estoy pensando en ti
Isabel I'm thinking about you
me cansé de ser testigo fiel
I'm tired of being your loyal witness
yo también me enamoré de ti.
I too fell in love with you
Isabel, quiero decirte adiós.
Isabel I want to bid you goodbye.