Kaizers Orchestra Dekk bord english translation

Kaizers Orchestra Dekk bord song lyrics
Kaizers Orchestra Dekk bord translation
Det var en lang vinter, men til slutt blei det vår
It was a long winter but in the end spring came
og alle mennene på skutå hadde fest
and all the men on the ship had a party
Ja, det var tungrodde netter og en masse blod og svette
Yes, there were hard-rowed nights and lots of blood and sweat
Styrmannen jobbde som en hest
The steerman worked like a horse
Han var en mager, liten raring som var svolten på erfaring,
He was a strange little fellow who was hungry for experience
men rasjonane var stort sett vann og korn
But the rations were basically just water and wheat
Han stod ved roret heile dagen, hadde veddemål med Skagen
He stood at the rudder all day, had a bet with Skagen
om raskaste veien til Capp Horn
about the shortest route to Cape Horn
Dekk bord
Set the table

Når det var rolig på havet, me sko ha fri i frå kavet,
When the ocean was still, we were free from the struggle
satte alle seg ner og spelte kort
everybody sat down and played cards
Styrmannen delte mens resten av oss spelte
The steerman dealt, the rest of us played
og pengane skifta eigar ganske fort
and the money changed hands pretty quickly
Carlos var fortvilte mens mangen andre smilte
Carlos despaired while many of us smiled
De sa; "me loppe Carlos for alt han har!"
They said: "Let's take everything Carlos has got!"
Og seinare når dommen falt hadde Carlos mista alt
And later when judgment fell, Carlos had lost it all
Det var fordi han samla kun på spar
That's because he collected only spades

Ro, ro heim til Transylvania
Row row home to Transylvania
Gløm nå personalia og andre trivialia
Now forget the personalia and other trivialities
Dekk bord, send et telegram til Victoria
Set the table, send a telegram to Victoria
for snart komme me fram
'cause soon we will arrive

Victoria, dekk bord!
Victoria, set the table!

Et par mann hadde me mista. Carlos var den siste
A couple of guys had been lost. Carlos was the last one
Det skjedde når me låg til land i Marseilles
It happened while we were at the port in Marseilles
Han tapte en drikkekonkurranse mot Den Belgiske Sjimpansen
He lost a drinking competition with The Belgian Chimpanzee
og nå seile han ikkje meir
and now he sails no more
I Hong Kong var det kaos, me gjekk på skjær utfor Laos
In Hong Kong there was chaos. We stranded outside Laos
Me trudde aldri me kom levande derifrå
We never thought we'd get away alive
Så kom en innfødt stamme ut og trudde skipet vært var Gud
Out came a native tribe, thought our ship was God
og slepte oss ut på åpent hav
and dragged us into open sea

Ro, ro heim til Transylvania
Row row home to Transylvania
Gløm nå personalia og andre trivialia
Now forget the personalia and other trivialities
Dekk bord, send et telegram til Victoria
Set the table, send a telegram to Victoria
for snart komme me fram
'cause soon we will arrive

Ja, me synge
Yes, we sing
Ro, ro heim til Transylvania
Row row home to Transylvania
Gløm nå personalia og andre trivialia
Now forget the personalia and other trivialities
Dekk bord, send et telegram til Victoria
Set the table, send a telegram to Victoria
for snart komme me fram
'cause soon we will arrive

Victoria, dekk bord!
Victoria, set the table!