LACCO TOWER 葡萄 english translation

LACCO TOWER 葡萄 song lyrics
LACCO TOWER 葡萄 translation
瓦落多が手招いた 未来図は夢か幻か
Whether the future map invited by Mr. Tairu Otagi is a dream or a phantom
さあさあ手の鳴る方へ 丸いマゼンタ 僕を笑う
Come now Round magenta laugh at me to the way the hand rings

こんがらがった胸は 錆びた銅貨
Ruined chest is a rusty copper coin
トタン式のポッケに 投げ込んで
Throw it into a Totan style pocket

紫の空へ 希望を灯火
Light hope to purple sky
仄暗い明日を 僕らは睨む
We glare at a dark tomorrow

頭痛たた 心臓ばらら そこに待つは 悔やみか闇か
Headache spirit heart worry waiting there is regret or dark
叫べ 叫べ 胸が沈むその前に
Scream cry before breasts sink

瓦落多が手招いた 未来図は夢か幻か
Whether the future map invited by Mr. Tairu Otagi is a dream or a phantom
狂わずいられない 僕らはもがいてるんだ
We can not go crazy We are struggling
探している正解は まるで目蓋の裏側
The correct answer I am looking for is just behind the eyelid
闇に実る果実 丸いマゼンタ 僕を笑う
A fruit round in the dark circle magenta I laugh at me

やっとこさ見慣れた 不安の種は
The seeds of familiar anxiety are finally
ねじ式の背中に 背負い込んで
Burd back on the screw type back

諦めるように 仕向けられた
I was forced to give up.
決め打ちの世界へ 唾を吐くんだ
Spit on to the world of decisive action

Oh well, it hurts." "No, Ah?"
妬む輩 馬鹿が馬鹿を言う
An envious fool says a fool
笑え 笑え 遠慮せずに 好きにしてあそばせ
Hilariously laugh Do not be shy and love to go out

泡沫の未来図に 切っても切れない罪と罰
Sins and punishments not broken by future bubble map
分かっちゃいるけど 叫ばずにはいられない
I know but I can not help crying
探している正解は ずっと目蓋の裏側
The correct answer I've been looking for has always been behind the eyelid
闇で笑う果実 丸いマゼンタ 僕に笑う
Fruits laughing in the dark circle magenta laugh at me

瓦落多が手招いた 未来図は夢か幻か
Whether the future map invited by Mr. Tairu Otagi is a dream or a phantom
さあさあ手の鳴る方へ 丸いマゼンタ 僕に笑う
Come now Round magenta laugh at me to the way the hand rings