Romeo Santos Cancioncitas de amor english translation

Romeo Santos Cancioncitas de amor song lyrics
Romeo Santos Cancioncitas de amor translation
Your official love station.
Your official love station
Baby baby how long can I wait for you.
Baby baby how long can I wait for you.

Desde hoy las emisoras las detestos por estar sonando cancioncitas de amor
From now on, I hate the radio stations for playing love songs
Melodias que relatan lo perfecto
Melodies that only talk about the perfect
Quizas a esos cantantes no le han roto el corazon
Maybe those singers have never had their hearts broken.

No creo esos versos
I don't believe in those verses
y sirvo de ejemplo
And I serve as example
que el amor no deberia de existir
Love should not exist
No hay un febrero
There's no February
que yo este contento
That I am happy
Y envidio al que sea feliz
And I envy anyone who is happy

Azul, tengo el alma en amargura
Blue, I have the soul in bitterness
yo no se lo que es ternura
I do not what tenderness is
Los horoscopos me mienten y la bola de crystal
Horoscopes lie to me and the crystal ball
Eh perdido la esperanza
I have lost hope
aqui tiro la toalla
Here I throw the towel
el romance y la pasion no es para mi
The romance and passion are not for me

Yo por amor escale muchas montañas
I climbed many mountains for love
sin temor a una avalancha y me cai
Without fear of an avalanche, I fell
La television me hace daño
The television hurts me
que mueran las novelas de amor
Let the romance TV serials die
y que el DJ pierda su trabajo
That the DJ lose his job
si me suenan cancioncitas de amor
If they play me love songs.

San Valentin se a convertido en un negocio
Valentine's Day has became a business
y el carajito de la flecha me cai mal
And the point of arrow I do not like
Es un taboo ese supuesto amor eterno
It's a taboo, that supposed eternal love
Aquel que se enamora siempre termina fatal
Does that fall in love always end up dead

No creo esos versos
I don't believe in those verses
y sirvo de ejemplo
And I serve as example
que el amor no deberia de existir
Love should not exist
No hay un fuera error
There is not an out error
que yo este contento
That I am happy
Y envidio al que sea feliz
And I envy anyone who is happy

Azul, tengo el alma en amargura
Blue, I have the soul in bitterness
yo no se lo que es ternura
I do not what tenderness is
Los horoscopos me mienten y la bola de crystal
Horoscopes lie to me and the crystal ball
Eh perdido la esperanza
I have lost hope
aqui tiro la toalla
Here I throw the towel
el romance y la pasion no es para mi
The romance and passion are not for me

Yo por amor
I for love
escale muchas montañas
Climb many mountains
sin temor a una avalancha y me cai
Without fear of an avalanche, I fell
La television me hace daño
The television hurts me
que mueran las novelas de amor
Let the romance TV serials die
y que el DJ pierda su trabajo
That the DJ lose his job
si me suenan cancioncitas de amor
If they play me love songs.

Let's go!
Let's go!
Dj, you could play this one!
DJ, you could play this one!
The King!
The King

Una vez un sabio me advirtio y hoy le creo
A wiseman warned me and today I believe him
Que el amor te hace feliz pero solo por momento
He said love makes you happy only for a moment

And I'm bluuuuee!
And I'm blue
Azul tengo el alma en amargura
Blue, I have the soul in bitterness
yo no se lo que es ternura
I do not what tenderness is
Los horoscopos son falsos y la bola de crystal
The horoscopes are false and the crystal ball
Eh perdido la Esperanza
I have lost hope
aqui tiro la toalla
Here I throw the towel
el romance y la pasion no es para mi
The romance and passion are not for me
Yo por amor
I for love
escale muchas montañas
Climb many mountains
sin temor a una avalancha y me cai
Without fear of an avalanche, I fell
La television me hace daño
The television hurts me
que mueran las novelas de amor
Let the romance TV serials die
y que el DJ pierda su trabajo
That the DJ lose his job
si me suenan cancioncitas de amor
If they play me love songs.