Vița de Vie Inimi Surde english translation

Vița de Vie Inimi Surde song lyrics
Vița de Vie Inimi Surde translation
Se-aude din nou.
It's sounding again

In armura lui, fantastic,
In his armour, fantastic
calarind un cal de plastic
Riding a plastic horse
intr-o lume inundata de culori,
In a world flooded by colours
Un copil striga pamantul
A kid was screaming the world
insa vorba i-o lua vantul
But his word was taken by the wind
si fugea cu ea aiurea printre nori.
And it was running thoughtlessly with it through us

Nimeni nu-l aude,
Nobody hears him
Inimi surde.
Deaf hearts

Aprinde culori, zbori.
Light up colours, fly

Pe pamant, cersind culoare
On the earth, begging for colour
unui asfintit de soare,
From a sunset
invartindu-ma aiurea, prins in sfori,
Spinning myself thoughtlessly, stuck in flowers
Sunt omul de azi care-alearga spre maine, fara niciun ieri
I am the human of today that runs to tomorrow, without a yesterday
si strigatul meu e un urlet de caine.
And my scream is a dog's howl

Nimeni nu m-aude,
Nobody hears me
Inimi surde,
Deaf hearts
Intre doua secunde spune-mi simplu
Between two seconds simply tell me
Ca nu sunt singur.
That I'm not alone

Sunt doar un copil ratacit printre vise,
I'm just a kid lost between dreams
o carte lasata cu pagini nescrise,
A book left with the pages open
un castel de nisip intr-un mijloc de mare.
A sand castle in a middle of one sea
Singur, doare.
Alone, it hurts.