Vița de Vie Praf de Stele english translation

Vița de Vie Praf de Stele song lyrics
Vița de Vie Praf de Stele translation
am o chitara deschisa, o foaie descrisa
I have an open guitar, a described paper
si praf de stele pe hainele mele
And stardust on my clothes
si incerc sa nu uit sa nu vad
And I try not to forget not to see
sa cobor dintre ele...
To climb down from them...

am o bodega in fata, am un ghem de ata
I have a path in front of me, a yawn ball
si praf de stele p urmele mele
And stardust on my traces
si incerc sa ma urc sa nu uit
And I try to climb up not to forget
sa raman printre ele
To remain between them

spune-mi oare mai stii cum a fost
Tell me do you still know how it was
primul inceput, primul vis pierdut
The first beginning, the first lost dreaming
spune stii cate ne-au mai ramas
Say do you know how much we are left
pana azi...
Until today

am o vedere spre lume
I have a view over world
un vis fara nume
A nameless dream
si praf de stele pe urmele mele
And stardust on my traces
si incerc sa ma uit inapoi
And I try to look back
sa vad soare su ploi
Too see sun or rain

am o poveste citita, o soapta zidita
I have a read story, a trapped whisper
si praf de stele p hainele mele
And stardust on my clothes
si-as vrea sa culeg stropi de vant
And I would want to pick up drops of wind
sa-i arunc pe pamant... sa devina cuvant
To cast them on the ground... to become word

[R] x 4
R x 4