Vița de Vie Luna și noi english translation

Feat Blue Noise
Vița de Vie Luna și noi song lyrics
Vița de Vie Luna și noi translation
Am ramas peste noapte, cu un vis care nu se visa
I was left overnight, with a dream that was not to be dreamed
I-am dat drumul sa zboare si acum am ajuns in palma ta
I let it go to fly and now I got in your palm
Iar cand luna rasare, o intreb daca nu s-ar putea
And when the moon rises, I ask her if it couldn't be possible
Sa devii dintr-o data umbra mea, ca sa nu mai poți pleca
For you to suddenly become my shadow, so you couldn't leave
De mintea ta.
By your mind
In mintea mea e doar atat
In my mind is just that
Nu credeam ca doare-atat.
I didn't think it hurts that much
Ne tinem de mana, fugim în luna, i-atat de usor, ne pierdem departe, in miez de noapte, aiurea in zbor.
We hold our hands, we run in the moon, is so easy, we lose ourselves far, in the midnight, thoughtlessly flying
Vantul ne ia, urca intr-una,
The wind takes us, it constantly rises
Stele apoi, luna si noi.
The stars then, the moon and us
Noaptea pe cer, sunt ca si una,
At night on the sky, the're like one
Stelele apoi, luna si noi.
The stars then, the moon and us