Сплин 3007 english translation

Сплин 3007 song lyrics
Сплин 3007 translation
Вдоль дорог лежал песок
There was sand along the roads,
Вникуда текла вода
Water was flowing to nowhere
Шёл три тысячи седьмой
It was year three thousand seven
Шёл три тысячи седьмой.
It was year three thousand seven

Я умер...
I died
Я умер...
I died
Я умер...
I died

Из угла ползла игла
Needle was creeping from the corner
На корал летел корабль
Ship was running into corral (reef)
Шёл три тысячи седьмой
It was year three thousand seven
Шёл три тысячи седьмой
It was year three thousand seven
Шёл три тысячи седьмой.
It was year three thousand seven

Я умер...
I died
Я умер...
I died
Я умер...
I died