いとうかなこ chaos symphony english translation

いとうかなこ chaos symphony song lyrics
いとうかなこ chaos symphony translation
どこにいるのかさえ わからないまま
Unaware of where I even am,
聴こえてくる音も 信じられない
I can't even trust the sounds that reach me.
閉じ込められたのか 閉じ籠っているのか
Have I been sealed away? Or am I shut in of my own accord?
白く厚い膜が すべてを隠した
A thick, white membrane hides everything from me.
Your voice resounds from far away.
たったひとつの 声を求めて…
I'm seeking that one and only voice...
生きているのかさえ 感じられないまま
Unable to feel proof that I'm even alive,
立ち止まってはいけない それだけはわかる
I mustn't stand still — that's the one thing I know.

キミの声が遠く響く たったひとつの声を求め
Your voice resounds from far away. I'm seeking that one and only voice...
キミの声を近く深く 離さないように 走り続ける
To keep from losing that voice... it's now so close, so intense— I keep on running.