西野カナ Kirari english translation

西野カナ Kirari song lyrics
西野カナ Kirari translation
I woke up before the alarm sounded
morning sun 閉ざす雲突き抜けた光
Morning sun Close the clouds penetrated light
I spilled curtains
Change clothes to your favorite cotton
足早に 人ごみを抜け出した お先に!
I got out of the crowd quickly!
瞬きする暇も惜しいよ キミが好き
I am sorry for my blink of time to blink you like you
すれ違っては心躍る毎日 Oh happy
Oh happy everyday every day passing by
気づかれないように そっと
Gently so as not to notice
こっち向いたら なんかいいことありそう
There seems to be a good thing something like this
見つけたキミ その笑顔に恋をした
I found out you fell in love with that smile
お願い 瞳に一度映ってみたいの
I'd like to see it in my eyes once
Stop the fastest beating not stopping
信号が変わるまで そう決めたのにね
I decided that until the signal changed
通り過ぎた 小さくなる 行かないで!
Do not go short, passing by!
頭の中キミだらけ全部 一日中
In your head all yourself all day long
パンクしそうなほどに考えてるOh c r a z y
I think about to puncture Oh c r a z y
気づかれてもいいよ なんて
I can notice it
こっち向いたら なんかいいことありそう?
There seems to be a good thing something like this
見つけたキミ その笑顔に恋をした
I found out you fell in love with that smile
About things you do not know names as well
In the meantime I got crazy like this
I hope to see you again.