Canserbero De Mi Muerte english translation

Canserbero De Mi Muerte song lyrics
Canserbero De Mi Muerte translation
Hoy me fui a la cama tomado,
Today I went to bed Drunk
girar el techo vi como un reloj por mil acelerado.
Spinning the roof I saw like a clock by a thousand accelerated.
Tuve un sueño de esos que sabes que estas en un sueño atado,
I had a dream of those who know that you are in a dream bound
abrí los ojos y vi un niño parecido a mi sentado y yo
I opened my eyes and I saw a child like me sitting and I
que no soy supersticioso supe que es otra vil obra de arte del subconsciente.
That I am not superstitious I knew that it is another vile work of art of the subconscious.
Sabiéndome soñando
Knowing Me Dreaming
pregunté al allí presente:
I asked the present:
"Dime ¿quién coño eres?"
"Tell me who the fuck are you?"
y aunque era sólo un niño en los ojos podía verle
And although he was only a child in the eyes I could see him
que se trataba de mí mismo y no podía temerle.
That it was about myself and I could not fear him.
Me dijo: "Hermano duerme."
He said, "Brother sleeps."
y al despertar estaba en un divan consciente y
And upon awakening he was on a conscious divan and
pude notar que al lado estaba un anciano sentado,
I could see that next to it was an old man sitting
me hacía hablar de cosas que me habían pasado,
Made me talk about things that had happened to me
noté que de un psicólogo se trataba y que mi monólogo escuchaba sin parecer asombrado y dijo: "¡Para!
I noticed that a psychologist was involved and that my monologue listened without looking astonished and said: "Stop!
¡Deja de quejarte por ahí por nada! ¡Tienes una misión alla abajo y no está completada!"
Stop complaining about nothing! You have a mission down there and it is not completed! "
y vi su cara cuando estas últimas frases gritaba
And I saw his face when these last sentences screamed
notando que se trataba aunque
Noting that it was
ya vieja de mi ¡propia cara!
Already old of my own face!
Me dijo "Debes recordar íntegramente
He told me "you must remember fully"
lo que te diré pues no repetiré lo consiguiente,
What I will tell you then I will not repeat the result
se trata del secreto de la vida y siempre que nazcas de nuevo
It is the secret of life and whenever you are born again
cantarás esto a tu gente." y dijo:
You will sing this to your people. "And he said,
"Debes cantar como si nadie te estuviese escuchando."
"You must sing like nobody's listening to you."
"Debes bailar como si nadie te estuviese observando."
"You must dance as if no one is watching you."
"Debes amar sin miedo a ser traicionado,
"You must love without fear of being betrayed
aunque sin darle prioridad al que prioridad no te ha dado, claro."
But without giving priority to which priority has not given, of course. "
"Debes reír si pasa algo que te avergüence, igual
"You should laugh if something happens that embarrasses you, same
tarde o temprano todos olvidarán la mala experiencia."
Sooner or later everyone will forget the bad experience. "
"Debes cerrar los ojos ante un buen olor
"You must close your eyes to a good smell
y disfrutar despacio todo buen sabor, sí."
And enjoy all good taste slowly, yes. "
"Felicidad: is not about tenerlo todo, sino ya no desear nada bobo."
Happiness: is not about having everything,
"Es obvio que hay que echar pa' lante y estudiar más,
"It is obvious that we have to put up and study more
trabajar es el modo pero apartando
Working is the way but pushing
del camino el lodo."
Of the road the mud. "
"No vale la pena vengarse por algo que no valga la pena."
"It's not worth revenge for something that is not worth it."
"La vida es corta y la pena es larga, cuando esta llega díganse soluciones no problemas,
"Life is short and the penalty is long, when this comes, say no-problem solutions
propongan cosas por hacer,
Propose things to do
no todo es criticar las fallas del sistema, velda'?"
Not everything is criticizing the faults of the system, velda '? "
"I know that I'm a dreamer but i'm not the only one."
"I know that I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one."
"No te olvides del prójimo si se te multiplica el pan."
"Do not forget your neighbor if you multiply the bread."
"Ríete en la tristeza, llora de alegría y no olvides que cada día que pasa se acorta tu vida, eh!"
"Laugh in sadness, weep with joy and do not forget that every day that passes is shortened your life, eh!"
"Ser feliz no puede quien no sabe lo que quiere."
"Being happy can not who does not know what he wants."
"Empieza a ser tú mismo y deja ya de ser quien no eres, mere,
"Begin to be yourself and stop being who you are not, mere
que imitaciones abundan originales escasean
That imitations abound original are scarce
y los chances son como las mareas
And chances are like the tides
van y vienen,
They come and go
pasan poel' frente, no se detienen."
Pass poel 'front, do not stop. "
"Atrévete a amar y deja e' llora por lo que no tienes." "Nunca debes
"Dare to love and let's cry for what you do not have." "You should never
dejar que un comentario te complique,
let a comment to complicates you
porque aun mejorando el mundo alguien habrá que te critique." Y dije: "¡Para!"
Because even improving the world someone will criticize you, and I said "¡Stop!
"Haz que despierte y juro: voy a cantar todo esto es sus caras."
"Make me wake up and swear: I'm going to sing all this is their faces."
El anciano aceptó y chasqueó sus dedos mientras suspiraba,
The old man accepted and snapped his fingers as he sighed
pero sorpresa mía fue al ver donde me despertaba.
But my surprise was when I woke up.
Me hallaba en un ataúd rodeado de toda mi gente,
I was in a coffin surrounded by all my people
llorando mi cadáver que podía mirar sonriente,
Crying my corpse I could look smiling
no era mi subconsciente.
it wasn't my subconscious
(No era un sueño, se trataba de una verdad.)
(It was not a dream, it was a truth.)
Y recorrí mi velorio atravesando a los presentes,
And I went through my wake through the present
excepto en esta escena estuve yo soñando siempre.
Except in this scene I was always dreaming.
Se trataba de mi muerte.
It was referring about my death.
(Se trataba de mí, se trataba de mí, se trataba de mí, se trataba de...)
(It was about me, it was about me, it was about me, it was about ...)
Al caminar lamente irme de este mundo amargo
As I walk, I lamented of be leaving this bitter world.
sin terminar la misión por la que ando penando,
Without finishing the mission I'm going through
la cual se trata de cantar lo narrado
Which is to sing the narrated
por el anciano, aquel que al yo morir nunca será escuchado.
By the old man, he who dies to me will never be heard.
Y dije "¡Para!"
And I said "Stop!"