FLOW Kazeno Uta english translation

FLOW Kazeno Uta song lyrics
FLOW Kazeno Uta translation
遥かその先へと 君の旅路(みち)を 追い風に乗って行こう
Following your path that leads far into the distance, let us ride the wind!
探す答え 容易く 見つかりはしない 初めからわかってて踏み出したんだ
The answer we're searching for won't be found easily, but we already knew that when we took the first step!

何度も遠回りして 夢の足跡
We've left footprints in our dreams from all the detours,
描き足していった 世界地図を広げたら
But once we open that map we've been drawing all this time...

響け 風ノ唄 目を閉じれば 心の声 背中押すよ
Sound it out! Once that wind's song passes our vision, the voices of our hearts will push us along!
目指す雲は ずっともっと高く
'Cause the clouds we're aiming for are somewhere even higher!
届け 風ノ唄 耳澄ませば 心の声 溢れ出すよ 眩いほどの輝きを放つ
Let it be heard! Once we listen closely for that wind's song, the voices of our hearts will come flowing forth, emitting a dazzling brightness!
君よ 青い旋律になれ
So become one with that freshly born melody!

気にしてないふりして 隠し持っていた 憂鬱が膨れ上がってく
That melancholy we were holding onto, pretending not to care, comes flowing up;
大丈夫と笑うけど 見上げる空 こぼれ落ちる そう ため息で滲んでいた
We smile and say we're alright, but the sky we look upon is blotted by those scattered sighs.

何度も諦めかけて それでもやってきた
We've given up time and time again, but managed to get this far -
苦しみの果て 辿り着ける場所がある
At the end of all this suffering, there'll be somewhere waiting for us!

響け 風ノ唄 目を閉じれば 心の声 背中押すよ
Sound it out! Once that wind's song passes our vision, the voices of our hearts will push us along!
目指す雲は ずっともっと高く
'Cause the clouds we're aiming for are somewhere even higher!
届け 風ノ唄 耳澄ませば 心の声 溢れ出すよ 眩いほどの輝きを放つ
Let it be heard! Once we listen closely for that wind's song, the voices of our hearts will come flowing forth, emitting a dazzling brightness!
君よ 青い旋律になれ
So become one with that freshly born melody!

立ちはだかる苦悩 迷いの数々
Troubles, and innumerable doubts, impede our progress...
But because we're blown along by the same wind, there's a song only we can sing!

響け 風ノ唄 目を閉じれば 心の声 背中押すよ
Sound it out! Once that wind's song passes our vision, the voices of our hearts will push us along!
目指す雲は ずっともっと高く
'Cause the clouds we're aiming for are somewhere even higher!
届け 風ノ唄 耳澄ませば 心の声 溢れ出すよ 眩いほどの輝きを放つ
Let it be heard! Once we listen closely for that wind's song, the voices of our hearts will come flowing forth, emitting a dazzling brightness!
君よ 青い旋律になれ
So become one with that freshly born melody!

その願い 高く舞い上がれ
Send that wish flying high into the sky!