Mägo de Oz La cruz de Santiago english translation

Mägo de Oz La cruz de Santiago song lyrics
Mägo de Oz La cruz de Santiago translation
No era el hombre más honesto pero él...
He wasn't the most honest man but he
era un hombre valiente y fiel
was a brave and loyal man
tampoco la piedad se cobijaba en él.
Neither mercy sheltered on him.
Malvivía, alquilando por tres maravedís
He lived poorly, renting for three Maravedis
su espada y vizcaína en
his sword and vizcaina in
ajustes de poco lustre y de peor fin.
adjustments of little luster and worse end.

Eran tiempos duros y había que buscarse el pan.
Were difficult times and bread had to be sought.
Reinaban la picaresca, la espada y el voto a tal.
The picaresque, the sword and the vow to such, were ruling.

Brilla el acero en su mano
The still shines over his hand
perla su cara el sudor
pearl his face, the sweat
donde el mar no tiene dueño irá...
He'll go where the sea has no owner...
irá a buscar.
He'll go to seek it.

A su espalda, una sombra a pie
To his sword, a shade on foot,
le seguía sin perder ningún detalle
he followed without missing a detail,
parecía aprender.
seemed to learn.

Su mirada reflejaba calma y paz.
His gaze reflected calm and peace
su voz grave y familiar
his familiar and grave voice
relataba leyendas de la antigüedad.
was telling legends of antiquity.

Algo misterioso le envolvía, no dormía jamás
Something misterious enveloped him, never slept
cuentan que se alimentaba del relato popular.
It's told that he used to feed himself of popular tales.

Brilla la Cruz de Santiago
Santiago's cross is shining
en su pecho, por el Sol
over his chest, by the sun.
su rostro jamás descubrió
His face never revealed,
su nombre ocultó.
his name hid.

En el tejado del tiempo
On the roof of time,
en el desván de los sueños
in the attic of dreams,
se ahoga una voz:
a voice is drowning:

"no creas en todo lo que veas
"Do not believe in everything you see,
sólo haz caso a tu intuición
just listen to your intuition.
y si albergas la duda
And if you harbor doubts,
nunca, nunca hallarás consuelo en tu interior.
you'll never, ever will find comfort within.

Lanza bien los dados
Throw the dices well
porque el juego del camino ha comenzado
because the game of the road has started.

Agudiza tu ingenio
Sharpen your wits,
sírvete de mancias
serve yoursef of mancias,
sírvete del tarot
serve yoursef from the tarot,
lee en el alma del bosque
read in the forest soul
y adivina dónde la muerte se escondió"
and guess where the death has hidden"
Brilla el acero en su mano
The still shines over his hand
perla su cara el sudor
pearl his face, the sweat
donde el mar no tiene dueño irá...
He'll go where the sea has no owner...
Brilla la Cruz de Santiago
Santiago's cross is shining
en su pecho, por el Sol
over his chest, by the sun.
su rostro jamás descubrió...
His face never revealed,
su nombre ocultó.
his name hid.