Severina Sekunde english translation

Severina Sekunde song lyrics
Severina Sekunde translation
Ti ljubiš neku znam,
You're kissing some girl, I know
a ja depresivna
And I'm depressed
Budna cijelu noć
Awake all night
lijekovi ne vrijede
the medication is not helping
Zvat ću doktora
I'll call a doctor
da mi injekciju da,
to give me an injection
možda postanem imuna na tebe
maybe then I'll become imune to you

I opet svi oko mene se ljube
And everyone's kissing around me again
i nitko ne diše,
and no one's breathing
a ja u sebi još brojim
but I'm still counting
the seconds
od kada nema te.
since you been gone

Hajde, mira mi daj
C'mon, give me some peace
još uvijek prati me taj
It's still following me that
sladak okus tvojih usana
sweet taste of your lips
Pijem za osobe dvje,
I'm drinking for two
noćas mi ne gine
Tonight I'll probably have
koktel pomješan sa suzama
a tear-infused coctail

Ti ljubiš neku znam,
You're kissing some girl, I know
a ja depresivna
And I'm depressed
Lutam noćima ulicama grada
Been wandering the streets of the town at night
Idem s bilo kim
I'll go with anyone
da pronađem mir
To find peace
Tko dugo leti sam
Who's flying with one so long
s drugim brzo pada
with an another will fall quickly

I opet svi oko mene se ljube
And everyone's kissing around me again
i nitko ne diše,
and no one's breathing
a ja u sebi još brojim
but I'm still counting
the seconds
od kada nema te.
since you been gone

Hajde, mira mi daj
C'mon, give me some peace
još uvijek prati me taj
It's still following me that
sladak okus tvojih usana
sweet taste of your lips
Pijem za osobe dvje,
I'm drinking for two
noćas mi ne gine
Tonight I'll probably have
koktel pomješan sa suzama
a tear-infused coctail

Ovaj klub je moj dom
This club is my home
ovaj šanker je moj
This barman is mine
baš sam dobro
I'm so good
lažem sebe ja
Lying to myself
Pijem za osobe dvje
I'm drinking for two
noćas mi ne gine
Tonight I'll probably have
koktel pomješan sa suzama
a tear-infused coctail