Severina Uno momento english translation

Feat Ministarke
Severina Uno momento song lyrics
Severina Uno momento translation
Mozda si ti i genije za zene
You may be a genius with women
ali ovaj put zaboravi na mene
But this time forget about me
kazu ti da si istek'o prije roka
They say you went bad before the expiry date
u mojoj knjizi utisaka
in my book of impressions
ti si slaba trojka
you are a weak trio

Hajde, zaboravi na to
Come on, forget about it
ne treba mi ljubav, meni treba lom
I do not need love, I need a break
prastaj lutko sada sve
Forgive everything now, baby
ja recu cu ti ne
I will say no to you

Koliko pijem, nije humano
How much I drink, it's not human
subota je dan za alkohol
Saturday is a day for alcohol
uno momento, uspori tempo
Just a second, slow down the rythm
mozda sutra se vidimo
Maybe we meet again tomorrow

Tika-taka, tika-tak
Tic-tac, tic-tac
isteklo ti vrijeme, pao si kod mene
your time has expired, you fell at me
bas si sladak kad si ljut
How much you're cute when you're angry
vise srece drugi put
More chance the next time

Nisi moj tip, necu da te lazem
You're not my type, I won't lie to you
trazis moj broj, zini da ti kazem
You're looking for my number, I won't tell you
zeleo bi da idemo kod tebe
You would like for us to go to your place
ali tamo nocas vodis samo sebe
But tonight you're going there alone

Hajde, zaboravi na to
Come on, forget about it
ne treba mi ljubav, meni treba lom
I do not need love, I need a break
prastaj lutko sada sve
Forgive everything now, baby
ja recu cu ti ne
I will say no to you

Koliko pijem, nije humano
How much I drink, it's not human
subota je dan za alkohol
Saturday is a day for alcohol
uno momento, uspori tempo
Just a second, slow down the rythm
mozda sutra se vidimo
Maybe we meet again tomorrow

Koliko pijem, nije humano
How much I drink, it's not human
subota je dan za alkohol
Saturday is a day for alcohol
uno momento, uspori tempo
Just a second, slow down the rythm
mozda sutra se vidimo
Maybe we meet again tomorrow

Tika-taka, tika-tak
Tic-tac, tic-tac
isteklo ti vrijeme, pao si kod mene
your time has expired, you fell at me
bas si sladak kad si ljut
How much you're cute when you're angry
vise srece drugi put
More chance the next time

Koliko pijem, nije humano
How much I drink, it's not human
subota je dan za alkohol
Saturday is a day for alcohol
uno momento, uspori tempo
Just a second, slow down the rythm
mozda sutra se vidimo
Maybe we meet again tomorrow

Tika-taka, tika-tak
Tic-tac, tic-tac
isteklo ti vrijeme, pao si kod mene
your time has expired, you fell at me
bas si sladak kad si ljut
How much you're cute when you're angry
vise srece drugi put
More chance the next time

Tika-taka, tika-tak
Tic-tac, tic-tac
isteklo ti vrijeme, pao si kod mene
your time has expired, you fell at me

uno momento, uspori tempo
Just a second, slow down the rythm

bas si sladak kad si ljut
How much you're cute when you're angry
vise srece drugi put
More chance the next time