Supper Moment 小伙子 english translation

Supper Moment 小伙子 song lyrics
Supper Moment 小伙子 translation
小伙子 長大了
Little boy is all grown up,
在世事難料的森林 尋覓理想事
finding his dream in the unpredictable forest.
As you walk away from youth,
愈容易孤單 你可有發現?
Have you ever realise it's getting easier to be lonely?

小伙子 相會了
Little boy and his friends met,
聚散亦難料 訴說了辛酸
it's hard to talk about pain when we never meet easily,
also all the things happened in those days.
The broken piece of memory in our brain,
has piece together the puzzle that tells us the story back in the good old days.

The maturity we have has add the expression of doubt to our face,
even laughing as become childish.
散席了方知 好光陰往往流逝悄悄
We realise time has quietly slipped away after we say goodbye,
wiped away all our classic memories.

It's hard to not pretend to be brave in our lives,
成為了 不懂哭也不想笑的一個漢子
becoming a man who doesn't know how to cry and never wants to laugh.
Who cares if you live life like a wooden doll?
人多麼諷刺 生命裡誰令你還在意
Oh the irony of life, who can make you care about the ones you love ever again?

小伙子 體會了
Little boy experienced it.
在歲月沈澱堅持 最後也寫上脆弱的詩
The persistence in time has diminished, alas writing the last fragile poem for it.
Feelings arose when you sit aside the farm,
緊閉著眼睛 承認過去錯過的事
closing your eyes hard, admitting the things you did wrong in the past.

It's hard to not pretend to be brave in our lives,
成為了 不懂哭也不想笑的一個漢子
becoming a man who doesn't know how to cry and never wants to laugh.
Who cares if you live life like a wooden doll?
人多麼諷刺 生命裡誰令你還在意
Oh the irony of life, who can make you care about the ones you love ever again?

All the people who's willing to cheer you on in life are gone,
when motivation in life loses its value,
成長逃離伊甸 閃星星已流逝悄悄
our growth has escaped the Gardens of Eden, the shooting stars has slipped past quickly,
you shall keep writing your story without regret.

It's hard to not pretend to be brave in our lives,
成為了 不懂哭也不想笑的一個漢子
becoming a man who doesn't know how to cry and never wants to laugh.
Who cares if you live life like a wooden doll?
Realization in illusion is always the most important in life.