محمد الشحي وانا english translation

محمد الشحي وانا song lyrics
محمد الشحي وانا translation
بديت الصد من طيبج عسى ليام لا تيبج يعل العين ما تشوفك يا كذي بان لي عيبج
you started to push me away from your kindness , I hope life don't bring you back, I wish my eyes don't see you, your flaw was shown to me
خسرت أسنين من عمري وأنا المسكين ما أدري غنك كنت أنا غافل طيبي هو سبب غدري
I lost years from my life, and I'm poor didn't know, I was blind, my kindness is my fault
عرفت الفرق ما بيني وبين الي حرم عيني ذوق النوم من بعدج وعينج لاهيا عني
I knew the different between me and who made me couldn't sleep because of you, and your eyes didn't watch out for me
أنسى كم أنا بنسى قلبك شاف له مرسى أنا بين الغير هو راسي أنا تبيني اليوم أنا أنسى
forget how much did I forgot,Your heart found a place , you want me to forget today
كثر الدمع أنا بذكر كثر ما كنت انا أسهر اباا أذكر من هو زعلني فقلبي قدره بيصغر
I remember much like the tears, much like how I long I stayed awake at nights, I'll remember who did make sad, his love in my heart will gone
وش لي بسيرت العشاق تاليها الم وفراق من يخلف معي عهده ما له عندي اي ميثاق
what do I want from love? after it I'll have pain and and breakups, who is not loyal, I won't trust him anymore