محمد الشحي يا حلوة english translation

محمد الشحي يا حلوة song lyrics
محمد الشحي يا حلوة translation
ياحلوه بس نظره تره
Sugar, only a glance
مارايد اني هوايه
I don't want much
دليني بيت اهلج لان
tell me where's your family's house, because
رايد اجي مشايه
I want to come walking on my feet
رايد اجيب شيوخنه
I want to bring our sheikhes
حتى نفرح بيوتنه
to make our families happy
وانجيبلج خاتم ذهب
and bring you a gold ring
يالوجهج انتي مرايه
oh your face is a mirror
مبروك الي ومبروك الج
congratulations to me and you
محلاها لو نسمعها
how sweet , if we hear it
احله حياة وياج انه
the best life is with you , and I
بحضانج اتوقعها
believe it's between your hands
وهلهوله نسمع ب الطرف
And trills we hear in the neghbourhoo
يدقولنه بكل خطوه دف
They play for us with every step a tambourine
وبين ايدي انتي القمر
And In my hands you're the moon
تتبخترين ويايه
Strutting with me

منج يجيني احله طفل
With you I'll have the most gorgeous baby
حسنج قمر ما شايله
Your beauty that the moon lacks
ويصير الي نقطة ضعف
Will become my weakness
يحلفوني بأبن الغاليه
They'll make me swear by the son of the precious
تشوفين مني بس وفه
You'll experience nothing but loyalty with me
وكل يوم حب وعاطفه
Every day love and passion
الضحكه سبحانه تره
The laugh, oh my
اتلوق الخدودج هايه
Looks good on these cheeks of yours
ياحلوه بس نضره تره
Sugar, only a glance
ماريد اني هوايه
I don't want much