五月天 後青春期的詩 english translation

五月天 後青春期的詩 song lyrics
五月天 後青春期的詩 translation
當煙霧隨晨光飄散 枕畔的湖已風乾
As the mist follows the dawn's light drifting away, the pillow banks of the lake have been blown dry
期待已退化成等待 而我告別了突然
Anticipation has already degenerated to waiting, and I say good-bye to the unexpected
當淚痕勾勒著遺憾 回憶誇飾著傷感 逝水比喻時光荏苒
As the traces of tears create an outline of regret, memories brightly obscure the pain,

終於我們不再 為了生命狂歡 為愛情狂亂
In the end we will no longer revel in life, get hysterical over love
然而青春彼岸 盛夏正要一天一天一天的燦爛
However youth is on the other shore, the eternal summer shines on day by day
(阿信口白:然後呢 一起走吧)
Ashin speaking: And then? Move on together...

誰說不能讓我 此生唯一自傳 如同詩一般
Who says I can't have my only production in this life be like a poem
無論多遠未來 讀來依然一字一句一篇都燦爛
No matter how far in the future, each word, each line, each verse you read still shines
讓天空解釋著蔚藍 浮雲定義著潔白
Let the sky explain what blue is, the floating clouds describe what white is
落花鋪陳一片紅色地毯 迎接我們到未來 精彩未完的未來
The falling flowers spread out like a red carpet, welcoming us to the future