五月天 成名在望 english translation

五月天 成名在望 song lyrics
五月天 成名在望 translation
找一個和弦開始唱 那故事遺忘的時光
We struck a chord together and sang of a forgotten time
起點是那平凡的成長 或初學吉他時 少年們 的模樣
It all started from regular blokes learning to play guitar

那一年的舞台 沒掌聲 沒聚光 只有盆地邊緣 不認輸 的倔強
A stage without applause or limelight, stubbornly performing at the fringe
排練室的日夜 在爭論 在激盪 以音量去吞噬 無退路 的徬徨
Long nights and fights in the rehearsal room cracking up the volume in frustration

那黑的終點可有光 那夜的盡頭可會亮
But there was a spark in the dark, and dawn after a drawn-out night
那成名在望 會有希望 或者是 無知的狂妄
Fame was in sight great expectations, or was it ignorance arrogance
那又會怎麼樣 「那又會怎麼樣?」
Does it really matter? ‘Does it really matter?'

混跡過酒場的駐唱 才讀懂人性的尋常
Only after singing through our drunkenness. Did we understand simple contentment
背負過音樂節的重量 才體會每場仗 都仰賴 槍與糧
Only after headlining concerts and festivals. Did we know that battles depend on bullets and bread

夢是把熱血和 汗與淚 熬成湯 澆灌在乾涸的 貧瘠的 現實上
Our dream was a broth of blood sweat and tears, that moistened our barren world
當日常的重量 讓我們 不反抗 倒地後才發現 荒地上 渺茫 希望 綻放
The weight of daily life wore us down until we finally saw our slim hopes unfold

We had made it through
搖滾或糖霜 昧俗或理想 批判或傳唱 道路上
Rock or pop, plain or perfect, stinging or pleasing we were on a road trip
只能看遠方 最遠的地方 應許的他方 不停衝撞
Looking ahead as far as we could, charging forward to our promised land

看過多少臉龐 飛過多少異鄉
We met so many faces, flew to so many places
少年早已蒼茫 回頭望 我在何方
Around the globe how many traces did we really leave

一站又一站的流浪 那旅館和空港 一遍又一遍的採訪 和攻防
From one stop to the next gig, hotels and airports. Meet-and-greets attack and retreat
一雙又一雙的目光 像監獄和高牆 牆裡的風光是不是 如當初想像?
From one pair of eyes to the next pair of lips, prisons and walls is this our genuine dream?

那黑的終點可有光 那夜的盡頭可會亮
But there was a spark in the dark, and dawn after a drawn-out night
那成名在望 是否風光 或者是 瘋狂的火光
Fame was in sight, great expectations or was it ignorance arrogance
那又該怎麼樣 「那又能怎麼樣?」
Does it really matter? ‘Does it really matter?'

While we were so young 我夢到當時 我們翻過牆
While we were so young, we dreamt we'd all jump over the wall.
曼陀羅花 沿途綻放 我們光腳越過人間荒唐
Devil's trumpets by the roadside, we ran around barefoot having a ball

We're stupid but strong 放學的屋頂 像萬人廣場
We're stupid but strong, the school roof was our concert hall
從不多想 只是信仰 少年回頭望 笑我「還不快跟上?」
We didn't think but we had faith. I no longer run but crawl haha

那路的起點誰能忘 那路的盡頭誰在唱
No-one forgets the start of that journey at the end of the journey who is still singing
誰成名在望 誰曾失望 卻更多 的誰在盼望
Whose fame was in sight, who lost their faith and how many of us kept swinging

那黑的終點可有光 那夜的盡頭天將亮
But there was a spark in the dark, dawn after a drawn-out night
那成名在望 無關真相 如果你 心始終信仰
That fame was in sight if you have faith beyond real or true
誰又能怎樣? 誰又能怎樣?
Who can stop you? Who can stop you?

‘Then you can fly'