五月天 步步 english translation

五月天 步步 song lyrics
五月天 步步 translation
Step by Step

TV Series Bu Bu Jing Qing (Scarlet Heart 2) Themesong
Producer: Mayday
空無一人的大街 闖入無人婚紗店 為你披上雪白誓言
On an empty street, (we) broke into an empty bridal and put on a snowy white vow on you

世界已灰飛煙滅 而愛矗立高樓間 你是真的或是我的 幻覺
The world had vanished into smoke, and love is standing among the buildings. Are you real or just my imagination
時光遺忘的背面 獨坐殘破的臺階 哪個亂世沒有離別
On the opposite side of the forgotten time, a broken set of steps is sitting alone. Every troubled times have partings.
天空和我的中間 只剩傾盆的思念
Between the sky and me, only pouring longing thoughts are left.
如果相識 不能相戀 是不是還不如擦肩
if we can't be in love even when we have a chance to know each other, merely passing by each other may be better.

在失去你的風景裡面 你卻佔據了每一條街
in the scenery I lost in, you are still occupying every single street.
一步步曾經 一步步想念 在腳下蔓延
Every step of the past, every step with missing thoughts, grows under my legs

在充滿你的回憶裡面 我獨自流浪海角天邊
In the memories then is made up by you, I stray to each corner alone
一步步走過 當時心願
Walking across the wishes we made last time step by step
格林威治大鐘前 歸零超載的傷悲 背著我和我的諾言
In front of the clock of Greenwich, the sadness that turned zero or overweigh. It carries our promises

一起計畫的路線 對照孤單的旅店 一聲晚安 卻又喚醒 淚腺
The routes we planned together, the hotels that reflects loneliness, and a good night, they wakes my lachrymal up
時代廣場的跨年 頤和花季的藍天 數著願望在你指尖
The countdown at the time square, the blue sky in the summer palace, your fingers are used to count your wishes
當時有多少心願 就有多少的殘缺
The number of wishes we had is equal to the number of flaws
如果後悔 不能後退 是不是就只能往前
If there's no regret, no backing out, is moving forward the only way?

在失去你的風景裡面 你卻佔據了每一條街
in the scenery I lost in, you are still occupying every single street.
一步步曾經 一步步想念 在腳下蔓延
Every step of the past, every step with missing thoughts, grows under my legs
在充滿你的回憶裡面 我獨自流浪海角天邊
In the memories then is made up by you, I stray to each corner alone
一步步走過 當時心願
Walking across the wishes we made last time step by step

生如浮萍般卑微 愛卻蒼穹般壯烈
If life is as humble as duckweed, then love is as heroic as the firmament
I want to conquer the most dangerous mountain for the sake of you
And walk passes the bumpiest attachment
Travelling through time step by step
在失去你的風景裡面 你卻佔據了整個世界
In the scenery I lost you in, you still occupy the whole world
每一張相片 每一個房間 每一滴眼淚
Every photo, every room and every drop of tears
在充滿你的回憶裡面 我獨自一人和眼淚周旋
In the memories made up of you, I was left to deal with the tears alone
一步步走向 孤單的明天
Step by step, I walk towards tomorrow alone
也許在來生的某個明天 我們能再寫新的情節
Maybe in a certain tomorrow of future, we can write a new chapter together
一步步完成 當時心願
Completing the wishes we made step by step
一步步完成 最美殘缺
Completing the most beautiful defect step by step