林俊傑 故事細膩 english translation

林俊傑 故事細膩 song lyrics
林俊傑 故事細膩 translation
燈火光影 街道人群 誰被誰吸引
Lights and the shadows, people on the streets, who got attention from who

窗臺風鈴 我在咖啡廳 為你彈琴
Bells on the window, me at the cafe, playing piano for you
這種街燈 這種氣氛 這種人生 這樣一座 山城
This kind of streets, this kind of atmosphere, this kind of life, this kind of mountain city

這種教堂 這種石牆 這種藤蔓 你我 走在 街上
This kind of church, this kind of stone wall, this kind of vine, you me walking on the street
Girl we were once a Romantic Mystery
oh your touch 向日葵裡的秘密
oh 你的觸碰,secret in the sunflower
Falling in love is actually tacit understanding

故事細膩 Romantic Mystery
The story is fine, 浪漫之謎
神秘 抽象是一種情緒
Mystery abstract is a kind of emotion
油畫鮮豔了 所有回憶
Oil painting brightens all the memories
故事在彎曲 流蘇在搖曳
The story is crooked, tassel is dancing
我們相戀的 結局美麗
The beautiful outcome of our love
如果可以 愛像雨季 痛快想你
If it's possible love like rain days miss you quickly
這種沙灘 這種浪漫 這種印象 狠狠愛你 一場
This kind of beach this kind of romance this kind of memory love you badly for once
這種橋樑 這種村莊 這種月光 讓愛 有畫 面感
This kind of bridge this kind of village this kind of moonlight make love imaginable
隔著距離 Romantic Mystery
Across the distance 浪漫之謎

在想你 如果一切都繼續
Thinking of you if everything continues
Everywhere is proof that I love you
我 想或許你
I think maybe you
Romantic Mystery
甜蜜 我於是拿起筆
Sweetness I finally got hold of the pen
清楚的描繪 如何愛你
Drew clearly how much I love you

淡淡的香氣 小小的茉莉
Smells good little jasmine
那愛情一點 都不憂鬱
That love is not depressing at all
我又繼續 為你彈琴 解釋命運
I continue playing the piano again explaining fate
Autant En Emporte Le Vent (隨風而逝)
Gone with the wind