林俊傑 裂縫中的陽光 english translation

林俊傑 裂縫中的陽光 song lyrics
林俊傑 裂縫中的陽光 translation
much hurt just in my throat
Tears drenched the pillow
Not enough hurt could be understood
被懂的痛 只能沉默
Thus, i stay silent
Too much endless nights where
有多少的寂寞 無人訴說
No one listens to my loneliness
有多少次的夢 還沒作 已成空
How many dreams end before you start

等到黑夜翻面之後 會是新的白晝
When the night is over it will be daylight again
等到海嘯退去之後 只是潮起潮落
When the tsunami recedes there will only be the rise and fall of the tides
别到最後你才發覺 心裡頭的野獸
Don't wait till the end to find the monsters in your heart
And give up before reaching the end

心藏沒有那麼脆弱 總還會有執著
Your heart is still stubborn
人生不會只有收獲 總難免有傷口
Life gives not only rewards but also inevitable scars
不要害怕生命中 不完美的角落
Don't be afraid of life's ugly corners
The sunlight will seep through every crack

Even if you start over and everything's still the same
We let our hearts beat as one again
每個逐漸暗下來的夜 一起走過
We spend every dusk together

等到黑夜翻面之後 會是新的白晝
When the night is over it will be daylight again
等到海嘯退去之後 只是潮起潮落
When the tsunami recedes there will only be the rise and fall of the tides
别到最後你才發覺 心裡頭的野獸
Don't wait till the end to find the monsters in your heart
And give up before reaching the end

心藏沒有那麼脆弱 總還會有執著
Your heart is still stubborn
人生不會只有收獲 總難免有傷口
Life gives not only rewards but also inevitable scars
不要害怕生命中 不完美的角落
Don't be afraid of life's ugly corners
The sunlight will seep through every crack
不如就勇敢打破 生命中的裂縫
Why not bravely break through all these cracks in life
And let the sunlight pour in from above