蕭敬騰 善男信女 english translation

蕭敬騰 善男信女 song lyrics
蕭敬騰 善男信女 translation
不遠處有一片土 站了一棵枯的樹
There a piece of land not far away where a dead tree stands
仔細看那樹枝的弧度 像在哭
Looking closely at the angle of the tree, it seems like it's crying
枯樹前雜踏腳步 收集愛情的孤獨
Mixed footprints under the dead tree collect the loneliness of love
為什麼眼前荒蕪 是天下有情人的歸宿
Why the wasteland in front of my eyes is the destination of lovers
那片山谷 入口處清楚刻著傷心人的墓
The entrance of that valley had the tomb of sad people clearly engraved on it
那片濃霧 隔絕了其實可以忘了愛的省悟
The thick fog separated the realisation that we can actually forget about love
別哭 那片樂土是不是至少能讓眼淚都停住
Don't cry. Can the wonderland at least stop tears from flowing?
祝福什麼都不再記住 祝福下一次總會幸福
Hope nothing will be remembered. Hope that it'd finally be happiness next time.
祝福愛情的信徒 那善男信女別太辛苦
Wishing love-believers, those faithfuls won't be suffering too much

枯樹前雜踏腳步 刻著心碎的控訴
Those mixed steps in front of the dead tree engraved the accusations of heartbreaks
讀完別人的感觸 卻又義無反顧的投入
Even after reading others' feelings, still fall in love without a single doubt
那片山谷 入口處清楚刻著傷心人的墓
The entrance of that valley had the tomb of sad people clearly engraved on it
那片濃霧 隔絕了其實可以忘了愛的省悟
The thick fog separated the realisation that we can actually forget about love
別哭 那片樂土是不是至少能讓眼淚都停住
Don't cry. Can the wonderland at least stop tears from flowing?
祝福什麼都不再記住 祝福下一次總會幸福
Hope nothing will be remembered. Hope that it'd finally be happiness next time.
祝福愛情的信徒 那善男信女都別再繼續受苦
Wishing the believers of love, those faithfuls won't continue enduring pain

誰的衣服 還穿著只為遮掩蒼白的皮膚
Whose clothes? Still wearing just to cover the pale skin
誰的腳步 有幾個真的可以遠離愛遠離糊塗
Whose steps? How many can really stay away from love, stay away from mistakes?
別哭 誰的信物~啊~從此入土
Don't cry. Whose keepsake Ah Burried from now on
祝福什麼都不再記住 祝福很快會找到幸福
Hope nothing is remembered. Hope happiness will be found soon.
祝福愛情的信徒 那善男信女不再辛苦
Wishing those who believe in love, those faithfuls wouldn't continue enduring pain