郁可唯 倒流 english translation

郁可唯 倒流 song lyrics
郁可唯 倒流 translation
就讓腳印 倒退出那條巷弄
Let the footprints back out of the alley
就讓玫瑰 昏睡回花店角落
Let the roses fall at the corner of the flower shop
驟來的暴雨 回到晴空
Upon thunderstorm turns back to clear sky
路人的問候 像往常般冷漠
Passerby's greeting seems cold
我不認識你 你不認識我
Both of us seems do not know each other

就讓衣袖 只觸碰擦肩的手
Let the sleeves touch the hand rubbing the shoulder
就讓我們 從來沒有開始過
Let us never start before
空著的懷抱 不必填空
Empty arms do not have to fill in the air
歡笑和哀愁 像做了一場夢
Laughter and sorrow like a dream
我沒打擾你 你沒震動我
I did not bother you, you did not shake me

讓故事 覆水能收 讓所有糾葛倒流當初單純普通
Let the story of water to cover all the disputes over the original simple plain
讓盛開的花 沒有遇見 那雙摘心的手
Let blooming flowers do not meet that double topping hand
讓眼睛耳朵 談到愛還不會迷惑
Let the eyes and ears talk about love will not be confused

讓承諾 有始有終 讓所有因果倒流那些最美如果
Let the promise begin and end with all the causeband effect of those most beautiful
瞳孔眼淚被 反鎖
If the pupil tears are locked
讓結尾歌曲 返回前奏
Let the ending song return to the beginning
劇情還沒有開播 幸福還可能結果
Plot has not yet opened the possibility of happiness may result

讓故事 覆水能收 讓所有糾葛倒流當初單純普通
Let the story of water to cover all the disputes over the original simple plain
讓盛開的花 沒有遇見 那雙摘心的手
Let blooming flowers do not meet that double topping hand
讓眼睛耳朵 談到愛還不會迷惑
Let the eyes and ears talk about love will not be confused

讓承諾 有始有終 讓所有因果倒流那些最美如果
Let the promise begin and end with all the causeband effect of those most beautiful
瞳孔眼淚被 反鎖
If the pupil tears are locked
讓結尾歌曲 返回前奏
Let the ending song return to the beginning
劇情還沒有開播 幸福還等愛結果
The plot has not yet hit the happiness waiting for the results