Alejandro Fernandez Quiéreme english translation

Alejandro Fernandez Quiéreme song lyrics
Alejandro Fernandez Quiéreme translation
No te pido las estrellas
I don't ask you for the stars
Ni la luna, ni el sol
Or the moon and the sun
Yo no te pido ser el dueño de tu amor
I don't ask for me to be the owner of your love
No necesito que me jures la verdad
I don't need you to swear for me the truth
Solo tu mirada me basta
The way you look at me is enough
No preciso obligarte
its not my plan to obligate you

Que me dediques tu existir
That you dedicate your existence to me
Es tan sencillo lo que quiero yo de ti
It's easy what I want from you
Te has convertido en mi luz, mi manantial
You became mi light, my spring
Ya no puedo más que en ti... pensar
I can't do anything apart from thinking of you
(Y tu mi amor) me elevas al cielo
(And you my love) take me to heaven

(Y tu mi amor) de mi sueño al desvelo
(And you my love) from mi dreams to my insomnia
(Y tu mi amor) solo tu mi amor
(And you my love) Just you my love
Tengo una sola petición
I ask for just one thing
Solo te pido
I'm just asking you to...
(Quiéreme, quiéreme cariño) que tu eres mi adoración
(Love me, love me honey) that you are my adoration
(Quiéreme, quedate conmigo) has atrapado mi corazón
(Love me, love me honey) You have caught my heart

(Quiéreme) quiéreme, quiéreme
(Love me) love me, love me
Solo te pido lo que quieras... entregar
I'm just asking for what you want to give me

No te pido una fortuna
I don't ask for a fortune
Ni un tesoro que pagar
Or a treasure to pay
En tu guarida es dónde quiero yo morar
On your guard is where I want to live
Quiero perderme en el abismo de tu piel
I want to lost myself in your skin
Para luego volverte a querer
And then love you again
(Y tu mi amor) me embriagas me hechizas
(And you my love) You make me drunk and you enchanted me
(Y tu mi amor) con cada sonrisa
(And you my love) with every smile
(Y tu mi amor) solo tu mi amor
(And you my love) Just you my love

Llevas mi alma en tu bolsillo
You have my soul in your pocket

Por eso pido
That's what I ask for...
(Quiéreme) quiéreme cariño
(Love me, love me honey)
Quiéreme cariño
Love me honey
(Quiéreme) quedate conmigo
(Love me) Stay with me
Conmigo, conmigo
With me, with me
(Quiéreme, quiéreme cariño)
(Love me, love me honey)
Quiéreme, quiéreme...
Love me, love me...