BiBi Ciocolata english translation

BiBi Ciocolata song lyrics
BiBi Ciocolata translation
Imi place soarele, imi place ce faci tu
I love the sun, I love what you do
Nu e dulce ciocolata cum esti dulce tu
Chocolate is not sweet as you are sweet
Si nu imi place nimeni cum imi placi doar tu
And I do not like anyone just how I like you
Imi bate inima cand apari tu tu
My heart beats when you come in you
Nu vreau restaurante, nici diamante
I do not want restaurants or diamonds
Nu stiu cum sa spun dar amor simt clar
I do not know how to say but clearly feel love
Ca m-am indragostit si poate n-ai habar
As I fell in love and can not have idea
Nu-s ca toate fetele, eu sunt ceva mai rar
I'm not like all the girls, I am somewhat rare
Inima mea face ce vrea, ea face ce vrea
My heart does what he wants, she does what she wants
Si te vrea doar pe tine
And I just want you
Face ce vrea, ea face ce vrea
Do what he wants, she does what she wants
Si te vrea langa mine
And he wants with me

Imi place rasaritul si ce faci tu
I like sunrise and you do
Nu e dulce ciocolata cum esti dulce tu
Chocolate is not sweet as you are sweet
Si nu imi place nimeni cum imi placi tu
And I do not like anyone just how I like you
Nu e dulce ciocolata cum esti dulce tu
Chocolate is not sweet as you are sweet
Imi place rasaritul si ce faci tu
I like sunrise and you do
Nu e dulce ciocolata cum esti dulce tu
Chocolate is not sweet as you are sweet
Si nu imi place nimeni cum imi placi tu
And I do not like anyone just how I like you
Nu e dulce ciocolata cum esti dulce tu
Chocolate is not sweet as you are sweet
Nu e dulce ciocolata cum esti dulce tu
Chocolate is not sweet as you are sweet
Nu e dulce ciocolata cum esti dulce tu
Chocolate is not sweet as you are sweet

Te amo, te ador
I love you, I love you
Nu stiu ce a fost in capul meu no no
I do not know what was in my head no no
Simt ca-mi bate inima
I feel like my heart beats
Si stiu ca ea nu vrea altceva
And I know that she wants nothing
Simt ca nu esti ca ei, tu nu esti ca ei
I feel like they're not, you're not like them
Ma duci pana la stele cand te uiti in ochii mei
You go to the stars when you look into my eyes
Simt ca nu esti ca ei, nu esti ca altii
I feel like they're not, you're not others
Vreau zambete, distractii nu observatii
I smiles, no amusement observations
Inima mea face ce vrea, ea face ce vrea
My heart does what he wants, she does what she wants
Si te vrea doar pe tine
And I just want you
Face ce vrea, ea face ce vrea
Do what he wants, she does what she wants
Si te vrea langa mine
And he wants with me

Imi place rasaritul si ce faci tu
I like sunrise and you do
Nu e dulce ciocolata cum esti dulce tu
Chocolate is not sweet as you are sweet
Si nu imi place nimeni cum imi placi tu
And I do not like anyone just how I like you
Nu e dulce ciocolata cum esti dulce tu
Chocolate is not sweet as you are sweet
Imi place rasaritul si ce faci tu
I like sunrise and you do
Nu e dulce ciocolata cum esti dulce tu
Chocolate is not sweet as you are sweet
Si nu imi place nimeni cum imi placi tu
And I do not like anyone just how I like you
Nu e dulce ciocolata cum esti dulce tu
Chocolate is not sweet as you are sweet
Cum esti dulce tu
How are you sweet
Cum esti dulce tu
How are you sweet
Cum esti dulce tu
How are you sweet
Nu e dulce ciocolata cum esti dulce tu
Chocolate is not sweet as you are sweet
Imi place rasaritul si ce faci tu
I like sunrise and you do
Nu e dulce ciocolata cum esti dulce tu
Chocolate is not sweet as you are sweet
Si nu imi place nimeni cum imi placi tu
And I do not like anyone just how I like you
Nu e dulce ciocolata cum esti dulce tu
Chocolate is not sweet as you are sweet
Imi place rasaritul si ce faci tu
I like sunrise and you do
Nu e dulce ciocolata cum esti dulce tu
Chocolate is not sweet as you are sweet
Si nu imi place nimeni cum imi placi tu
And I do not like anyone just how I like you
Nu e dulce ciocolata cum esti dulce tu
Chocolate is not sweet as you are sweet