BUMP OF CHICKEN HAPPY english translation

健康な体があればいい 大人になって願う事
It's good to have a healthy body, you pray to become an adult
心は強くならないまま 耐えきれない夜が多くなった
When your heart could not find strength, the nights you couldn't endure grew in number

少年はまだ生きていて 命の値段を測っている
The boy still lives he measures the price of life
色々どうにか受けとめて 落書きの様な夢を見る
Somehow or other, he gets through it all, in a dream that seems like graffiti

優しい言葉の雨の下で 涙も混ぜて流せたらな
Beneath the rain of kind words, you let your tears mix in and they wash away
片付け中の頭の上に これほど容易く日は昇る
And while cleaning up, above your head, a simpler day dawns

悲しみは消えるというなら 喜びだってそういうものだろう
When sadness goes away, they call it happiness
誰に祈って救われる つぎはぎの自分を引き摺って
You pray to someone and they save you, and pull you, all patched together, along with them

闘う相手さえ解らない だけど確かに痛みは増えていく
I don't know if it's that I fight with my partner, but it's true that my pain has been growing
教わらなかった歩き方で 注意深く進む
Walk forward in a way that no one taught you, go forward so carefully

膨大な知識があればいい 大人になって願う事
It's good to have extensive knowledge, You pray to become an adult
心は強くならないまま 守らなきゃいけないから
When your heart can't find strength is when you've got to defend it

少女はまだ生きていて 本当の事だけ探している
The girl still lives. She only searches for the truth
笑う事よりも大切な 誰かの手を強く握って
Tightly grasp the hand of the person who is more precious to you than smiling

優しい言葉の雨に濡れて 傷は洗ったって傷のまま
Wet in the rain of kind words, your wounds were being washed
感じる事を諦めるのが これほど難しい事だとは
Giving up on feeling is more difficult than anything you've ever done

終わらせる勇気があるなら 続きを選ぶ恐怖にも勝てる
If you have undying courage then you can win against fear and choose what comes next
無くした後に残された 愛しい空っぽを抱きしめて
Embrace the beloved emptiness that was left over after being lost

借り物の力で構わない そこに確かな鼓動があるなら
It doesn't matter if you borrow your strength as long as your heart is beating
どうせいつか終わる旅を 僕と一緒に歌おう
Since this journey will end one day anyway, sing together with me

Happy birthday
Happy Birthday

優しい言葉の雨は乾く 他人事の様な虹が架かる
The rain of kind words has dried, and a rainbow that seems to be someone else's appears
なんか食おうぜ そんで行こうぜ
Let's go eat, come on, let's go
A simpler day dawns

悲しみは消えるというなら 喜びだってそういうものだろう
When sadness goes away, they call it happiness
誰に祈って救われる それよりも大切な手をとって
You pray to someone and they save you, and take their hand, more precious than anything

勝ち負けの基準も解らない だけど確かに守るものがある
I don't understand winning or losing, but I do know that I have something to protect
教わらなかった夢と共に 少年は大人になった
Along with his dream that no one taught him the boy becomes an adult

続きを進む恐怖の途中 続きがくれる勇気にも出会う
When you fear moving forward then you will encounter the courage to move forward
無くした後に残された 愛しい空っぽを抱きしめて
Embrace the beloved emptiness that was left over after being lost

消えない悲しみがあるなら 生き続ける意味だってあるだろう
If you have a sadness that won't disappear then that gives you a reason to keep living on
どうせいつか終わる旅を 僕と一緒に歌おう
Since this journey will end one day anyway, sing together with me

Happy birthday
Happy Birthday