Goose house 恋はヒラひらり english translation

Goose house 恋はヒラひらり song lyrics
Goose house 恋はヒラひらり translation
花びら舞い上がる空の下 打ち明けよう
The petal soars under the sky, let's confide it
進め 進め 恋は ヒラひらり
Go forth, go further—love is a fluttering light

机の向こう傾いてる背中 君の視線 窓の外向いてた
Take a sight of you, learning your back and facing outside of the window
「寂しくなるね」と動いた唇 君のいない教室 受け入れられるかな
I moved my lips, "It will be lonely". Can I accept a classroom without you?

サヨナラ刻む 携帯のカレンダー
Engrave a goodbye in my cellphone's calendar
怖くて見れないほど 好きだったんだ
I'm so scared. I can't look at you. I like you.

花びら舞い上がる空の下 打ち明けよう
The petal soars under the sky, let's confide it
I don't mind if spring starts with tears
Stopped in the hallway, the setting sun shines on you
息を飲んで 恋は ヒラひらり
With a cup of breath, love is a fluttering light

1メートル先 うつむく横顔 泣きじゃくって 困らせて ゴメンね
In 1 metre distance, looking at your down profile, crying, annoyed. I'm so sorry
慌てて差し出す ブルーのハンカチ 君のいない毎日 笑顔になれるかな
Hand out in a hurry, a blue handkerchief. Can I smile everyday without you?

遠くで笑う 君のぼやけた写真
Your laugh at a distance in blurred photo
消さなくていいよね 春が終わるまでは
Don't need to erase it until the spring ends

花びら舞い上がる空の下 駆けてゆこう
The petal soar under the sky, let it soar more
I don't mind if spring starts with tears
A back figure stretched to go away in long shadow
胸を張って 恋は ヒラひらり
Love is a fluttering light with pride

Everyone in the class went to see you off
黒板の寄せ書き 忘れないでね
Everyone message's in blackboard, don't forget it
屋上へ駆けあがり 手すりから身を乗り出して
Ran away to the rooftop, leaned over the railling
And waved big, so big

The ephemeral heartbeat that was born in the chest
Waiting a time to tell it to someone

花びら舞い上がる空の下 駆けてゆこう
The petal soar under the sky, let it soar more
泣き顔の春も 綺麗に見えるよ
The beautiful crying face in spring, laugh at it
君のいない教室 今日も朝がくるよ
This morning, a classroom without you will come
進め 進め 恋は ヒラひらり
Go forth, go further—love is a fluttering light