Mani Matter dr Hansjakobli und ds Babettli english translation

Mani Matter dr Hansjakobli und ds Babettli song lyrics
Mani Matter dr Hansjakobli und ds Babettli translation
Dr Hansjakobli u ds Babettli
John-James and Babette
hei mit em Chuchitaburettli
With the kitchen stool
es Spieli zäme gschpilt zum göisse
They played a hilarious game
"he he Frou Meier" het das gheisse
"Hey hey, Mrs Meier" it's called
Da isch zum Bischpiel zersch ds Babettli
For example, first Babette
druf gchlätteret uf ds Taburettli
Climbed on the stool
u Hansjakobli wo süsch zaaget
And John-James who normally hesitates
isch tifig tifig drunder gschnaaget
Quickly quickly robbed below the stool
Ganz lut het obehär ds Babettli
From above Babette very loudly
jitz gschtampfet uf das Taburettli
Stomped onto the stool
bis dass dr Hansjakobli dopplet
Until John-James knocked
so lut het undenufe topplet
Knocked so loudly from below
U grüeft: "he he Fou Meier machet
And shouted: "Hey, Hey, Mrs Meier,
doch nid so Krach!" - da hei sie glachet
Don't make so much noise" and they lauged
u er isch obe gsi äs unde
Then he was above and she below
u ds Spiel het disewäg stattgfunde
And the game was played the other way round
Vowägee grad so i däm Spieli
Just about this game
wie zgrächtem - Bischpiel git es vieli -
There are many examples
isch jede daderfür wird gchrampfet
Everybody, by working hard,
gärn dä wo obenabe stampfet
Woudl like to be on top and stomp
Es isch nid jede wie ds Babettli
Not Everybody is as harmless as Bsbette
so harmlos uf sim Taburettli
On her kitchen stool
drum luegit dass wie Hansjakobli
Therefore, make sure that like John-James
geng einen undenufe toppli
There is always someone knocking from below
I wett fasch säge: "D'Wält wär freier
One can say the world would be
we meh würd grüeft: He he Frou Meier!"
If more would be shouted "Hey Hey, Mrs Meier"