Mani Matter Dr Wecker english translation

Mani Matter Dr Wecker song lyrics
Mani Matter Dr Wecker translation
leider geit ir nacht my wecker
Unfortunately in the night, my alarm clock
immer füf minute vor
Is going 5 minutes fast
lütet mir drum jede morge
Is ringing, therefore, every morning
füf minute z'früech is ohr
Into my ear, 5 minutes to early
aber wen i ne am abe
However if I would set it back
füf minute hinder tät
By 5 minutes in the evening
wär i drum de bim i-ds-bett-ga
I would be going to bed
wider füf minute z'spät
5 minutes late
syg's am abe, syg's am morge
Be it in the evening, be it in the morning
s'nimmt mehr füf minute pfuus
I lose 5 minutes of sleep
füf minute sy nid vil,
5 minutes is not much
doch mit der zyt macht's öppis us
However, as time goes by it gets substantial
i zwölf tag isch das e stund
In twelve days it adds up to an hour
und i drei monet scho ne nacht
And in three months it adds up to a full night already
won i wäg däm blöde wecker
Because of that bloody alarm clock
schliesslech schlaflos hät verbracht
I would have spent without sleep
i ha sorge wäg myr gsundheit
I worry about my health
uswäglos isch d'situation
Do not see a way out
zletscht han ig dr wecker furtggäh
Finally I gave away the alarm clock
sider weckt my ds telefon
Ever since the phone is waking me up