ChouCho Sleeping Butterfly english translation

ChouCho Sleeping Butterfly song lyrics
ChouCho Sleeping Butterfly translation
キラキラと輝かせて my way 奇跡なのかな?
Is it my way miracles to shine with glitter?
鮮やかにメロディ越えて 越えて 越えて
Vividly cross over the melody and cross over it
(Wake up Wake up this moment Fly up Fly up it's show time)
(Wake up Wake up this moment Fly up Fly up it's show time)
狭いディスプレイという名前の虫籠 そこで眠っていたの
An insect named Narrow Display So I was asleep
だけど君が見つけ 大きな羽を褒めて 扉開けてくれたの
But you found and praised the big feathers and opened the door
突然で (It's new world never seen) 戸惑うけど
Suddenly it's puzzled (It's new world never seen)
ヒラヒラと羽ばたかせて my life 夢じゃないかな?
I feel like I'm dreaming, with fluttering flapping
重なり合うハーモニー (I wish)
Overlapping harmony (I wish)
Sleeping Butterfly 目を覚まして 信じてもいいかな?
Sleeping Butterfly May I wake up and believe?
軽やかにビート乗せて 乗せて 乗せて
Lightly put on a beat and carry it
揺れる世界 1度はそう 諦めてたけど
Even though I was giving up once in the swinging world
Past and future link
(Wake up Wake up this moment Fly up Fly up it's show time)
(Wake up Wake up this moment Fly up Fly up it's show time)
硬い緑色の殻の中でずっと 一人もがいていたの
I was struggling all the time in a hard green shell
上手く飛べなくても 棘に傷ついても 受け止めて欲しいの
I do not want to fly well, I want you to catch even if the barb is hurt
明日まで (It's new world never seen) 待ちきれない
I can not wait until tomorrow (It's new world never seen)
キラキラと輝かせて my way 奇跡なのかな?
Is it my way miracles to shine with glitter?
光り出すキーノート (I wish)
Shimmering keynote (I wish)
Sleeping Butterfly 目を覚まして 飛んでみてもいいかな?
Sleeping Butterfly Can I wake up and try flying?
鮮やかにメロディ越えて 越えて 越えて
Vividly cross over the melody and cross over it
ヒラヒラと羽ばたかせて my life 夢じゃないかな?
I feel like I'm dreaming, with fluttering flapping
Overlapping harmony
Sleeping Butterfly もっと遠くへ 飛び込んでいいかな?
Sleeping Butterfly Can I jump farther?
軽やかにビート乗せて 乗せて 乗せて
Lightly put on a beat and carry it
揺れる世界 描いてた 未来が待ってる
The world that shook the world was waiting for the future
きっと今より 高くまで
Surely higher than now
(Wake up Wake up this moment Fly up Fly up it's show time)
(Wake up Wake up this moment Fly up Fly up it's show time)