Da-iCE Ketsuino Asani english translation

Da-iCE Ketsuino Asani song lyrics
Da-iCE Ketsuino Asani translation
No matter what
I'm still trying to sketch the hopeless dream
No matter what
Even it's hopeless, Iwant a bright, pleasant love inside my dream
「気取んなくていい かっこつけない方がおまえらしいよ」
"It's good if it doesn't affect me, stop being cool because it's more than my usual self"

一生懸命になればなる程 空回りしてしまう僕らの旅路は
to the extent I want to work very hard, my journey becomes a fruitless effort
小学生の 手と足が一緒に出ちゃう行進みたい
Like elementary students' hands and legs that are in sync together completely like in a parade
それもまたいいんじゃない? 生きてゆくことなんてさ
Such thing as living, isn't that thing is still okay?
きっと 人に笑われるくらいがちょうどいいんだよ
It will definitely makes people laugh, it is exactly a good thing

心の奥の奥 閉じ込めてた本当の僕 生身の36度5分 飾らずにいざwe don't stop
To keep the real me inside of inside of the heart, a living flesh of 36 degrees of misunderstand, don't adorn it, now, I don't stop
けどまだ強がってるんだよ まだバリアを張ってるんだよ 痛みと戦ってるんだよ
But, still I pretend to be tough, still I have a barrier around me, and still I'm trying to fight my pain

辛い時 辛いと言えたらいいのになぁ 僕達は強がって笑う弱虫だ
When I feel pain it's okay if I say it's painful, I want to become strong and a weakling that can laugh
淋しいのに平気な振りをしているのは 崩れ落ちてしまいそうな自分を守るためなのさ
It's okay to pretend that I'm okay when I'm lonely, in the verge of crumbling, because it is to protect my own self
僕だけじゃないはずさ 行き場のないこの気持ちを 居場所のないこの孤独を
It doesn't have to be me, this feelings that doesn't have a place to go, or this loneliness that doesn't have any destination
I just simply holding on to them...

他人の痛みには無関心 そのくせ自分の事となると不安になって
I have a habit of feigning indifferent to people pains, until it becomes an anxiety
人間を嫌って 不幸なのは自分だけって思ったり
I hate people, and I always thought it becomes a misfortune that only befall me
与えられない事をただ嘆いて 三歳児のようにわめいて
I just lamenting on things that I can't give up, like a cry from 3 years old child
that longs for love, and sitting while waiting for their snacks
アスファルトの照り返しにも負けずに 自分の足で歩いてく人達を見て思った
I don't want to lose to the reflection on the asphalt, I want to walk using my two feet while looking and thinking about people
動かせる足があるなら 向かいたい場所があるなら この足で歩いてゆこう
If my legs still can move, and if I still have place that I want to go, then I'm using this legs to go there

もう二度とほんとの笑顔を取り戻すこと できないかもしれないと思う夜もあったけど
I want to grasp my own true smile once again, but I thought it is kind of impossible
大切な人達の温かさに支えられ もう一度信じてみようかなと思いました
Precious people was supporting me with their warmth, and I thought once again that I want to believe on them

辛い時 辛いと言えたらいいのになぁ 僕達は強がって笑う弱虫だ
When I feel pain it's okay if I say it's painful, I want to become strong and a weakling that can laugh
淋しいのに平気な振りをしているのは 崩れ落ちてしまいそうな自分を守るためだけど
It's okay to pretend that I'm okay when I'm lonely, in the verge of crumbling, because it is to protect my own self
過ちも傷跡も 途方に暮れ べそかいた日も 僕が僕として生きてきた証にして
Forgiveness and scar, the path on a sunset, and I will still want to live as I am
どうせなら これからはいっそ誰よりも 思い切りヘタクソな夢を描いてゆこう
From now on, I might as well I'm going to sketch a hopeless dream more than anyone else
言い訳を片付けて 堂々と胸を張り 自分という人間を 歌い続けよう
Putting aside all my excuses, and I'm going to sing about my magnificent and prideful heart as a human being