FTISLAND アリガト english translation

FTISLAND アリガト song lyrics
FTISLAND アリガト translation
もしも世界中が僕のこと 照らしてくれなくても
If I go around the world without you there's no light
本気で「ありがとう」 そう伝えたいから
Because I really want to tell you "Thank you"
いつかこの世界が君のこと 救ってくれるのなら
Someday this world of you I'll help you save it
僕は何もかも 捨てることできるよ
I was able to throw everything

あの日見た外の景色を 僕はまだ覚えてるから
But that day when I saw you outside I still recall
a little bit of sadness
今はまだ開かない花だけど 明日になれば咲くのかな
But now, the flower is not yet blooming I wonder if it will bloom tomorrow
just the days when I'm thinking of you

果てしない空が 僕の気持ちごと
My feelings is like an endless sky
like carrying you somewhere else
やがて舞い降りて 光を見つけるから
As soon as I get down I'm still looking for the light
そんな場所 一人探して
those places when I can find only one person

もしも世界中が僕のこと 照らしてくれなくても
If I go around the world without you there's no light
本気で「ありがとう」 そう伝えたいから
Because I really want to tell you "Thank you"
いつかこの世界が君のこと 救ってくれるのなら
Someday this world of you I'll help you save it
僕は何もかも 捨てることできるよ
I was able to throw everything

思い出すあの日の空を 見上げていた遠い未来を
I remember that day, the sky when I'm looking at is so distant from the future
as time flows, it always like that
今は先の見えない道だけど いつかは光見えるかな
Now, go ahead even if its invincible Someday, even if you can't see the light
there's always a place to go to

君の隣では 偽りの答え
The answers is always next to you
overflowing with full confidence
だけどココロでは 不安が募るいつも
but in your heart this anxieties will keep on growing
だから今 進む明日へ
so from now on, go ahead

どんな不安を感じても 君がそばにいるから
No matter what anxieties you feel I'll always be by your side
Little by little I want to get stronger just for you
こんな僕のことをいつだって 支えてくれてること
Even these things gives you support
必ずいつかは 幸せにするから
Always, someday you'll be able to find happiness

君の言葉が 僕のココロには
Your words are in my heart
突き刺さるほど せつなすぎて
even if it pierces me, I'll treasure it
Don't go ahead unless you have
those all presence

約束するよ いつまでも 大切にすることを
I promise you forever that you'll the only important one
これから二人で 歩いてゆけるように
From now on the two of us will walk
こんなわがままな性格でも 傍にいてほしいから
even if we have selfishness will be able to cope with that
これからもずっと 支えてほしいから
From now on, I'll always support you

もしも世界中が僕のこと 照らしてくれなくても
If I go around the world without you there's no light
本気で「ありがとう」 そう伝えたいから
Because I really want to tell you "Thank you"
いつかこの世界が君のこと 救ってくれるのなら
Someday this world of you I'll help you save it
僕は何もかも 捨てることできるよ
I was able to throw everything