Kenshi Yonezu Neon Sign english translation

Kenshi Yonezu Neon Sign song lyrics
Kenshi Yonezu Neon Sign translation
探し求めた感情が どこにも見つからず 途方に暮れた正午に
Unable to find the emotions I searched for anywhere, at a loss in the noon,
変わっちゃった二人が 分かち合うことなどあり得ないと気づいた
I noticed that for the two of us, changed so, sharing an understanding was improbable

遠いあの日の思い出じゃ 僕らは友達 笑い合って過ごしていた
In the memories of that distant day, we were friends, smiling and laughing together
どうしてそれがこんなにも 違う言葉で歌い 傷つけあってしまうのか
Why did that end up like this, singing with different words and hurting one another?

確かめ合って 誓い合って 作り上げたのに 崩れに崩れたバベルの塔
Checking with each other, vowing together, we built it up, yet it came crumbling down - the Tower of Babel
僕らはどうか これ以上は 悲しまないように 別々に歩き出した
So that we could only not be saddened any more, we walked our separate ways...

バイバイいつの日かまた出会おうぜ いつになるのかは知らないけど
Bye-bye, and let's meet again someday, though I don't know when that might be...
どうでもいいことを取り決めて今 別れのそばで笑いあった
Now that we've decided upon something so unimportant, we laughed as we parted
このまま行こう あの日の思いを 引きずりながらそれでも行こう
Now, let's just go - dragging along memories of that day, but still we go...

数えきれない感情が 止めどなく湧いて途方に暮れた夕間に
Countless emotions bubbling up ceaselessly, at a loss in the evening,
理由が欲しくなったんだ 「誰かが悪い」って言い放ってしまえるような
I came to want a reason, so that I could just say someone's at fault

手をとり合って 想い合って 指切りしたのに 振り返ってしまい塩の柱
Taking hand in hand, thinking of each other, we made a promise, yet you turned around - a pillar of salt
僕らはどうか これ以上は 疑わないように もう一度指切りした
So that we could only not doubt any more, we made a promise once again...

バイバイこんな日もこれで最後だ どうかこれ以上何も言うな
Bye-bye, even these days will end right here; please, don't say anything more...
あんな指切りはしたくなかったよ それは僕だけかもしらんが
I didn't want to make such a promise, though maybe that was just me...
このまま行こう あの日の思いを 引きずりながらそれでも行こう
Now, let's just go - dragging along memories of that day, but still we go...

バイバイいつの日かまた出会おうぜ いつになるのかは知らないけど
Bye-bye, and let's meet again someday, though I don't know when that might be...
どうでもいいことを取り決めて今 別れのそばで笑いあった
Now that we've decided upon something so unimportant, we laughed as we parted
このまま行こう あの日の思いを 引きずりながらそれでも行こう
Now, let's just go - dragging along memories of that day, but still we go...
来世の向こう 生まれ変わって 出会えるときはよろしく願う
Past our next lives - when we're reborn and meet again, my best regards