amazarashi つじつま合わせに生まれた僕等 english translation

amazarashi つじつま合わせに生まれた僕等 song lyrics
amazarashi つじつま合わせに生まれた僕等 translation
遠い国の山のふもと この世で一番綺麗な水が湧いた
At the base of a mountain in a distant country, the purest water in the world welled
やがてそれは川になり そこに群れを作った魚を
Soon, it became a river where fish stocks gathered
腹を空かした熊が食べて 猟師が熊の皮をはいで
They were eaten by hungry bears, which were flayed by a hunter
それを市場で売りさばいて 娘の為に買った髪飾り
He sold their skins on the market and bought a hair ornament her daughter
悪い人間がやってきて 全部奪ってしまったのは
Bad people came and took everything
歴史のちょうど真ん中辺り 神様も赤ん坊の時代
Right in the middle of history, in the time when God was also a baby
母親のこぼした涙が 焼けた匂いの土に染みて
The tears shed by a mother earth soaks smelling ashes
それを太陽が焦がして 蒸発して出来た黒い雨雲
It evaporates after being carbonized by the Sun, and became contaminated rain clouds.
その雲は海を越えた砂漠に 5ヶ月ぶりの雨を降らせた
These clouds crossed the ocean and make the rain in a desert that had been dry for 5 months,
雨水を飲んで生き延びた詩人が 祖国に帰って歌った詩
A poet who survived by drinking water from the rain returned to his country of birth and sang a song
それを口ずさんだ子供達が 前線に駆り出される頃
By the time children hummed the song were recruited and sent to pilots lines
頭を吹き飛ばされた少女が 誰にも知られず土に還る
A girl whose head was ripped became dust and returned to the earth without anyone knowing about it
そこに育った大きな木が 切り倒されて街が出来て
Large trees that grew there were cut down to build a city
黒い煙が空に昇る頃 汚れた顔で僕等生まれた
We were born with dirty faces by the time of black smoke rose into the sky
善意で殺される人 悪意で飯にありつける人
Some people are murdered by well-intentioned people, while others manage to earn a living with their evil intentions
傍観して救われた命 つじつま合わせに生まれた僕等
On the sidelines saving life. We were born because it was logical.
高層ビルに磔の 価値観は血の涙を流す
The values crucified in skyscrapers are shedding tears of blood
消費が美徳の人間が こぞって石を投げつけるから
because people whose only virtue is consumption, they throw stones at these.
金にもならない絵をかいた 絵描きは筆をへし折られて
The brush of a painter who draws pictures that had never sold,
見栄っ張りで満員の電車が 走る高架下で暮らしている
was broken He lives below the tracks where a train full of vain people travel.
喜怒哀楽をカテゴライズ 人に合わせて歌が出来て
Songs are made to suit people, categorizing all your emotions.
悲しい時はこの歌を 寂しい奴はあの歌を
When you feel sad, listen to this song, those who sit alone must hear this song.
騙されねーと疑い出して 全部が怪しく見えてきて
If you start doubting, not wanting to be deceived, you come to think that everything is suspect.
人を信じられなくなったら 立派な病気にカテゴライズ
When you can no longer rely on people, you are classified as mentally ill.
不健康な心が飢えて 悲劇をもっと と叫んでいる
My sick heart is starving and screaming he wants to see more tragedies.
大義名分が出来た他人が やましさも無く断罪する
A stranger who found a just cause, without feeling guilty beheads.
人殺しと誰かの不倫と 宗教と流行の店と
Murders, adulteries someone, religion, and popular shops,
いじめと夜9時のドラマと 戦争とヒットチャートと
bullying, telenovelas 9 PM,war and chart hits.
誰もが転がる石なのに 皆が特別だと思うから
Each is like a stone I found, but everyone thinks they are special, each person.
選ばれなかった少年は ナイフを握り締めて立ってた
A child who was not elected to his feet and grabs a knife well
匿名を決め込む駅前の 雑踏が真っ赤に染まったのは
The crowd seeking anonymity opposite the train station, turns red.
夕焼け空が綺麗だから つじつま合わせに生まれた僕等
This is because the sunset was beautiful. We were born because it was logical.
ふざけた歴史のどん詰まりで 僕等未だにもがいている
We are still struggling at the end of this silly story
結局何も解らずに 許すとか 許されないとか
We do not understand anything, after all, and just talk to forgive or not forgive,
死刑になった犯罪者も 聖者の振りした悪人も
Criminals who received death penalty, the perverse pretend to be holy,
罪深い君も僕も いつか土に還った時
The sinner you, and I also. One day we all become dust and will return to earth.
その上に花が咲くなら それだけで報われる世界
If the flowers are blooming on top of it, that would be enough to save the world.
そこで人が愛し合うなら それだけで価値のある世界
If people are going to love each other, that would be enough to give value to this world.
だからせめて人を愛して 一生かけて愛してよ
That's why you should at least love people, you love them whole life
このろくでもない世界で つじつま合わせに生まれた僕等
In this world good for nothing.We were born because it was logical.